Drive Belt: Service and Repair
Ribbed belt, removing and installing
- Before removing the ribbed belt, mark its running direction so that it can be reinstalled the same way.
- When installing, be sure belt is correctly seated in pulleys.
- Lift belt tensioner with 3299 ribbed belt installation tool to relieve belt tension, and remove belt from generator pulley.
- Illustration shows belt drive for vehicles without A/C.
- Remove V-belt for power steering pump.
- Install ribbed belt on crankshaft vibration damper.
- Install V-belt for power steering pump.
Ribbed belt drive without A/C.
- Lift belt tensioner with 3299 ribbed belt installation tool and install ribbed belt.
Ribbed belt drive with A/C.
- Lift belt tensioner with 3299 ribbed belt installation tool and install ribbed belt.