Locks: Testing and Inspection
Central Locking, Function Test
- If system is operating properly, all locks must lock after approximately 2 seconds. If bi-pressure pump runs for longer than 5 seconds system is leaking.
- If bi-pressure pump switches off after about 5 seconds and then starts to run again after 12 seconds, at least one door lock knob has not retracted, or switch-off point in positioning element has not been reached.
Test requirement:
- Doors, rear lid and tank flap closed.
- Door windows open completely.
Check lock
- Press down locking button on drivers door.
- All locking buttons must go down, all doors and rear lid are locked, tank flap is locked.
- Check lock at each door, rear lid and at tank flap.
NOTE: Central locking and unlocking is possible by operating locking button of drivers door.
- No anti-theft function.
Check anti-theft lock
Test requirement:
- Doors, rear lid and tank flap closed.
- Door windows open completely.
- Unlock drivers door with key and pull up all locking buttons within 12 seconds.
- 12 seconds after locking, pump must run, all doors will be locked again.
- After an additional 15 seconds pull all lock knobs up one after another (wait 24 secs. after locking with key).
- Locking buttons must not be able to be pulled up into released position. Bi-pressure pump starts up and pulls back locking button. At same time, door lock is disengaged and it is no longer possible to open door.
- When this happens, a clicking noise is audible (safety coil de-couples door locks).
- Doors are locked and secured, rear lid is locked and tank flap is engaged.
Repeat test procedure starting from front passengers door.