Hydraulic System, Filling and Bleeding
Hydraulic System, Filling And Bleeding
When hydraulic pump is overloaded, a thermo-fuse interrupts circuit and system is switched off up to a maximum of 35 seconds. After that, system is functionally ready again.
Behind a rubber cover of left trim in luggage compartment, a toggle handle is installed on hydraulic unit. By turning toggle toward left, system becomes without pressure and convertible top can be operated manually.
Filling hydraulic system
- Electric-/hydraulic convertible top pertains to a closed hydraulic system. As a rule, a filling is only required after opening hydraulic circuit (e.g. after replacing parts).
- Due to lift and displacement effects of hydraulic piston rods, hydraulic oil level must only be determined when convertible top is open.
- Do not fill system above "Max" marking.
- Otherwise pressure in system could grow so large that damage cannot be prevented.
- Remove CD player if installed.
- Remove screws - arrows - of left luggage compartment trim and remove trim.
- To fill, convertible top must be opened, actual oil level can only be determined when in an opened state.
- Remove oil filler plug - 1 -.
- Oil for convertible top hydraulics: G002 000.
- Top off hydraulic oil only until oil level is between "Min" and "Max" marking - 2 -.
- Use a fill container for filling hydraulic oil.
- Fill container must only be used exclusively for this purpose in order to prevent hydraulic oil impurities by other oils.
- Screw oil filler plug - 1 - tightly (5 Nm).
Bleeding hydraulic system
Hydraulic system is self-bleeding. System is bled after several operations.
- Remove oil filler plug - 1 -.
- Switch ignition on and off again, leave key inserted in ignition lock.
- Operate convertible top switch and open and close convertible top 4 to 5 times.
- system is bled automatically by opening and closing several times.
- Convertible top must be able to be opened and closed smoothly and without hitching.
- With convertible top open, oil level must be located between "Min" and "Max" marking - 2 -, correct if necessary.
- Screw oil filler plug - 1 - tightly (5 Nm).