Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Timing Belt: Service and Repair

Special tools and equipment

^ Adjustment gauge for TDC 2068 A
^ Rig Pin 3359
^ Camshaft bar T10098
^ Engine support bridge 10-222A with feet 10-222A/1
^ Pin wrench V159 (for engines with engine code AHF)
^ Counter-holder tool 3036

^ T40001 Puller


- Remove right headlight, please refer to: Service and Repair.

- Remove connecting pipe between charger air cooler and intake manifold, please refer to: Service and Repair .

- Loosen coolant expansion tank and set aside.

- Remove power steering fluid reservoir and set aside.

- Remove upper part of toothed belt cover.

- Remove brake booster vacuum pump.

- Remove right insluation pan.

- Remove ribbed belt, please refer to: Service and Repair.

- Turn crankshaft to cylinder 1 TDC (vehicles with manual transmission).

- To turn the engine over by hand, use the lever-camber adjustment 3098 and place it on the power steering pump.

- Turn crankshaft to cylinder 1 TDC (vehicles with automatic transmission).

- To turn the engine over by hand, use the lever-camber adjustment 3098 and place it on the power steering pump.

With engine removed:

Vehicles with manual transmission

- Fasten adjustment gauge 2068 A as shown.
- Set adjustment gauge to 96 mm ( arrow A ). The left notch of vernier scale is reference point.
- Turn crankshaft until flywheel TDC marking aligns with point on setting device ( arrow B ).

Vehicles with automatic transmission

- Fasten adjustment device 2068 A as shown.
- Set adjustment device to 30 mm ( arrow A ). The left notch of vernier scale is reference point.
- Turn crankshaft until flywheel TDC marking aligns with point of setting device ( arrow B ).

Continued for all vehicles

- Screw installing bolts - 1 - into cylinder head by hand, up to stop.
- Secure camshaft using camshaft bar T10098.

- Lock injection pump sprocket with rig pin 3359.
- Loosen injection pump sprocket bolts - 1 -.

- Unfasten and replace bolts with clearance cut on threaded shaft and point one after the other. (Part No. of injection pump sprocket 038 130 111 A).

- Do not replace bolts without clearance cut on threaded shaft and point. (Part No. of injection pump sprocket 038 130 111 B).

- The nut - 2 - for the hub must not be loosened under any circumstances. Basic setting of the injection pump may be altered and cannot be reset with normal workshop equipment.

- Loosen tension roller.

- Set engine support bridge 10-222A with bracket for engine 10-222A/1 in place and support engine in installed position.

- Unfasten bolts from subrame/engine support, subframe/body and subframe brackets/body - arrow - and completely remove subframe.

- The subframe may only be removed if the engine is supported by the engine support bridge 10-222A!

- The engine support may first be loosened only when the subframe is removed.

- Unfasten and remove engine support at cylinder block - arrows -.

- To loosen both upper engine support bolts, the engine must be raised slightly with the engine support bridge.

- To loosen the lower engine support bolt, the engine must be lowered slightly with the engine support bridge.

- Remove vibration damper/belt pulley.

- Remove lower and middle toothed belt cover.

- Mark direction of rotation of toothed belt.

- Remove toothed belt.


- Verify that the TDC mark on flywheel and reference mark are aligned.

- Loosen camshaft sprocket bolt by one revolution. To loosen bolt, counterhold camshaft sprocket using counter holder 3036.

- When loosening and tightening the camshaft sprocket, never use the camshaft bar T10098 to counter-hold! Use the counter-holder 3036.

- Set puller T40001 with the one-armed claw T40001/2 - A - and the two-armed claw T40001/3 - B - centering onto the camshaft sprocket and pull it off. To counter-hold, use and open-end wrench - C -.

- Place toothed belt onto crankshaft sprocket, idler roller, injection pump socket, coolant pump sprocket and tensioner roller (observe direction of rotation).

- Align injection pump sprocket to centering location in slots.

- Install camshaft sprocket together with toothed belt and fix them in placr with bolt (camshaft sprocket can still be turned).

- Tension the toothed belt. Do this by turning the pin wrench V159 on eccentric in a clockwise direction, until notch and projection - arrow - are aligned.

- In case the eccentric was turned past the marks, the tension roller must be completely relieved of tension, and then be tensioned again. If turned too far, the eccentric must not just be turned back again to the passed mark.

- Tighten clamping nut on tensioning roller. Torque specification: 20 Nm.


- Make sure the tensioning roller is properly positioned in the rear toothed belt guard - arrow -.

- Verify TDC marking on flywheel once again.

- Tighten bolt for camshaft sprocket to 45 Nm.

Version - A - : Bolts with clearance cut on thread shaft and point - arrows -.

- Fasten new bolts for injection pump sprocket. Torque specification: 20 Nm.

- After the automatic test of the start of injeciton, the bolts must be turned an additional 90° ( 1/4 turn ).

- The bolts may only be used once, since they are bolts with reduced shanks.

Version - B -: Securing bolts without clearance cut on thread shaft and point.

- Fasten old bolts for the injeciton pump sprocket. Torque specification: 24 Nm.

- Do not replace bolts.

Continue for all versions

- Remove camshaft bar T10098 from camshaft.

- Remove rig pin.

- Turn crankshaft over twice in engine running direction and then set cyl. 1 to TDC again.

- Verify that the TDC marking on the flywheel, the camshaft bar in the camshaft. the rig pin in the injection pump, the adjustment of the tension roller ( notch/protrusion ) or ( notch/arrow ) are positioned properly.

- If notch and protrusion or notch and arrow are not aligned, tension the tension roller again and tighten nut to 20 Nm.

- Continue turning crankshaft two rotations in direction of engine rotation until crankshaft is again at TDC for cylinder 1.

- Check again.

- Set engine support in place at cylinder block and fasten - arrows -. Torque specification: 45 Nm

- Before the subframe can be installed, all bolts for the engine supports must be tightened to the specified torque.

- Install subframe, engine side, please refer to:

- Tighten engine subframe to engine support, bringing contact surfaces together using engine support bridge 10-222A. Torque specification: 100 Nm.

- Align subframe, engine side, please refer to:

- Install subframe bracket/body. Torque to specification: 25 Nm.

- Install subframe bracket/body. Torque specification: 25 Nm.

- Install coolant expansion tank.

- Install power steering reservoir.

- Install vacuum pump, torque specification: 20 Nm.

- Install toothed belt cover and vibration damper/belt pulley.

- Install ribbed belt, please refer to Service and Repair:

- Install noise insulation pan.

- Install connecting pipe between charge air cooler and intake manifold, please refer to: Service and Repair.

- Install right headlight, please refer to: Service and Repair.

- Check headlight adjustment, correct if necessary.

- Check injection pump for start of injection.