Brakes and Traction Control: Service Precautions
Safety Precautions And General Information On Troubleshooting
^ ABS is a vehicle safety system; the appropriate knowledge is necessary to work on the system.
^ In order to check complaints and to be able to carry out specific troubleshooting, DTC memory must be checked before beginning work on the ABS system.
^ Only disconnect harness connectors when the ignition is switched off.
^ Observe the appropriate instructions regarding the handling of brake fluid.
^ ABS malfunctions are indicated by the ABS warning lamp lighting up; certain malfunctions will only be recognized at speeds above 20 km/h (approx. 13 mph) (road test).
^ If the ABS (-K47-) and the brake system (-K118-) warning lamps do not light up, but the brake system is not functioning correctly, the malfunction must be sought in the conventional braking system.
Road test
^ If you drive the vehicle after a malfunction has been detected by OBD, bearing mind that the function of the brake system is limited, and there is a risk of accident. The brake pressure at the rear wheels is no longer controlled by the Electronic Brake Distribution (EBD) function. This can result in excessive braking at the rear, and the vehicle may skid unexpectedly under braking.
^ When driving or riding in an airbag-equipped vehicle, NEVER hold the scan tool or other test equipment in your hands or lap while in motion. Objects between you and the airbag increase the risk of injury in an accident.
^ During a test drive in an airbag-equipped vehicle, test equipment must always be fastened to and operated from the rear seat by a second technician.