Cylinder Head, Component Overview
^ When installing an exchange cylinder head complete with installed camshafts, oil the contact surfaces between lifters and cam lobes before installing valve cover.
^ Do NOT remove the plastic packing pieces, which protect the open valves until immediately before installing the cylinder head.
^ If the cylinder head is replaced, replace the entire engine coolant mixture.
1. 20 Nm (15 ft. lbs.)
2. 45 Nm (33 ft. lbs.)
^ For loosening and tightening use counterholding tool 3036.
3. Camshaft sprocket
^ Loosen from camshaft with two arm puller T40001
4. Tensioning - roller (semiautomatic, toothed belt)
^ Checking
5. Idler roller
6. Toothed belt guard, rear
7. 10 Nm (7 ft. lbs.)
8. Lifting eye
9. Cylinder head bolt
^ Always replace
^ Mark direction of engine rotation before removing
10. Oil deflector
11. Valve cover
^ With vulcanized gasket
^ Replace complete if damaged or leaking
CAUTION: The valve cover gasket is an integral part of the valve cover. Replace the valve cover only if it is damaged or leaking.
12. Seal
^ Replace damaged
13. Cap
^ Replace if seal is damaged
14. Vent line
^ To intake hose
15. Clamp
16. Pressure regulator valve
^ For crankcase ventilation
17. Seal
^ Replace if damaged
18. 5 Nm (44 inch lbs.)
19. Fuel injector lines
^ 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.)
^ Remove and install with tool 3035
^ Always remove fuel line cluster as an assembly
^ Do not bend, kink or alter shape
20. Vacuum pump
^ For brake booster
21. Seal
^ Replace if damaged
22. Fuel injector
^ Removing and installing:
23. Glow plug
^ 15 Nm (11 ft. lbs.)
^ Remove and install with swivel wrench 3220
^ Checking:
24. Cylinder head gasket
^ Always replace
^ Note marking see Fig. 2
^ After replacing replace complete engine coolant.
25. Cylinder head
^ Check for distortion see Fig. 1
^ Removing and installing
^ After replacing replace complete engine coolant.
26. Toothed belt
^ Mark running direction before removing.
^ Check for damage
^ Do not kink
^ Removing, installing and adjusting.
27. Toothed belt guard, upper part
Fig. 1 Cylinder head distortion, checking
Special tools
^ Feeler gauge
^ Ruler
Max. permissible distortion: 0.1 mm
Note: Reworking Diesel cylinder heads is not permissible.
Fig. 2 Cylinder head gasket, identification
^ Part No. = arrow 1
^ Production control code = arrow 2 (ignore)
^ Holes = arrow 3
Note: Different thicknesses of cylinder head gasket are installed depending on the piston projection dimension. When replacing the cylinder head gasket, install a new gasket with the same identification.