How to Use VW Scan Tool VAG 1551
WARNING! Test and measuring instruments must be secured to the rear seat and operated by a second technician from this location.
Test conditions:
- Vehicle voltage supply OK
- Fuses No.07, 11, 15 and 31 OK
- Fuse in main fuse box (110 amps.) OK
- Ground connections for transmission OK
- Selector lever in "P" and parking brake applied
- Check Ground connections for corrosion and poor contact; repair if necessary.
Ground connecting points are located in plenum chamber and below the battery in engine compartment.
- Check battery Ground strap and Ground strap between battery and transmission.
- Switch ignition OFF and connect VAG 1551 Scan Tool with adapter VAG 1551/3A.
Indicated on display
VAG - On Board Diagnostic (OBD) HELP
1 - Rapid data transfer 1)
2 - Blink code output 1)
1) appears alternately
- Additional operating instructions can be retrieved by pressing the HELP button of VAG 1551.
- The -> button is used for advancing within the program sequence.
- An automatic check (buttons 00) can be selected in operating mode 1 "Rapid data transfer." All vehicle control modules will then be checked automatically
See VAG 1551 Scan Tool operating instructions.
- Switch ON ignition.
- Switch ON printer with Print button (indicator lamp in button lights).
- Press button 1 for "Rapid data transfer" mode.
Indicated on display:
Rapid data transfer HELP
Enter address word XX
- Press buttons -0- and -2- to enter "transmission electronics" address word 02.
Indicated on display
Rapid data transfer Q
02 - Transmission electronics
- Confirm entry with -Q- button.
The control module identification, the coding and the dealership number of the VAG 1551 are displayed
01M927733FK AG4 Transmission 01M 3833
Coding 00000 WSC 00000
Control module identification
Depending upon build level (program level) the control module can indicate a different control module identification to that shown in the example.
- 01M 927 733 BB: Part No.
- AG4 transmission 01M: 4-speed automatic transmission 01M
- 2029: EPROM (Program level)
- Coding 00000: not required at present.
- WSC 00000: VAG 1551 dealership number with which the last coding was performed.
Indicated on display
Control module does not answer! HELP
- Press HELP button to print out a list of possible fault causes.
- After eliminating possible causes of faults, again enter the address word 02 for "transmission electronics" and confirm.
If "Control module does not answer!" again appears:
Indicated on display
Control module does not answer! HELP
- Check control module voltage supply.
- Perform test step 1, refer to "Electrical Testing (TCM Pinout Charts)".
- Check wiring connections to Data Link Connector (DLC).
See Electrical Wiring Diagrams & Component Locations
- See Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) table, under DTC 65535 control module faulty!
- Press -> button.
Indicated on display
Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX
After the HELP button is pressed, a list of the possible functions is printed out.