Removal and Installion
- When installing an exchange cylinder head with fitted camshaft, the contact surfaces between valve lifter and cam must be oiled after installation.
- The plastic protectors fitted to protect the open valves must only be removed immediately before fitting the cylinder head.
- When replacing the cylinder head the complete coolant must be replaced.
- If a cylinder head is replaced, drive a sealing cap (core plug) into the front of the respective head.
1. Upper toothed belt guard, right
2. Toothed belt guard, center
3. Upper toothed belt guard, left
4. 10 Nm
5. Rear toothed belt guard
6. Lifting eye
7. 25 Nm
8. Cylinder head cover gasket
- Replace if damaged
- Before fitting gasket, coat transitions between bearing cap and cylinder head with D 454 300 A2
9. Cylinder head cover
10. Seal
11. Cap
- Replace seal if damaged
12. Retainer
- For engine cover
13. 10 Nm
- Tighten from center outward
14. Cylinder head bolt
- Always replace
- Note installation instructions and sequence when loosening and tightening
15. Cylinder head
- Removing and installing
- Check for distortion see Fig. 1
- After replacing replace the complete coolant
16. Oil deflector
17. Cylinder head gasket
- Always replace
- Metal gasket
- After replacing replace the complete coolant
18. Camshaft sprocket
- Note position when installing the toothed belt
19. Securing plate
20. 55 Nm
Fig. 1 Checking cylinder head for distortion
Max. permissible distortion: 0.05 mm
Cylinder head, removing and installing
Special tools and equipment
- 3452 Socket
- VAG 1306 Drip tray VAS 5024 Assembly tool for spring-type clips
- VAG 1331 Torque wrench (5-50 N m)
- VAG 1332 Torque wrench (40-200 Nm)
- The engine must be no more than warm to touch.
- The pistons must not be positioned at TDC.
- First check whether a coded radio is fitted. If so, obtain anti-theft coding.
- Remove engine cover first.
- With ignition switched off disconnect battery Ground strap.
- Removing front noise insulation:
- Drain coolant.
- Remove air duct pipe, air duct elbow between air mass meter and throttle valve control module.
- Loosen or separate the following components:
- accelerator cable
- wiring/hoses from EVAP canister purge regulator solenoid valve
- hoses for crankcase breather on cylinder head cover
Engine codes AHA
- connecting pipe between secondary air pump motor and combi-valves at the combi-valves
Continuation for all vehicles
- connector from twin path intake manifold change-over valve and from intake air temperature sender
Engine codes AHA
- connector from secondary air inlet valve
Continuation for all vehicles
- connector from throttle valve control module
- connector from ignition coil output stage
- connector from valves for camshaft adjustment and camshaft position sensors
- connector from sensor for coolant temperature
- the vacuum hose from fuel pressure regulator
- Remove retaining plate for twin path intake manifold change-over valve.
Engine codes AHA
- Remove retaining plate for twin path intake manifold change-over valve and secondary air inlet valve.
Continuation for all vehicles
- Remove toothed belt.
- Remove front exhaust pipes from exhaust manifold.
- Remove the fuel rail as follows:
- Pull connector off injectors.
- Unbolt fuel rail from intake manifold and pull out together with injectors.
- Place fuel rail to side (fuel hoses remain connected).
- Remove bracket with ignition coils.
- Remove intake manifold.
- Remove rear coolant pipe.
By cylinder head bank 2 -left-:
- Disconnect rear toothed belt guard from cylinder head.
- Unbolt coolant pipe on front of cylinder head.
- Remove cylinder head cover.
- Loosen socket head bolts in sequence given and then remove completely.
Note: Use key 3452 for Polydrive cylinder head bolts.
- Carefully lift cylinder head off.
Note: Only remove the new cylinder head gasket from its packing immediately before installing.
- Handle the new gasket with extreme care. Damaging will lead to leaks.
- Place a clean cloth in cylinders so that no dirt or emery cloth particles can get in between cylinder wall and piston.
- Also prevent dirt and emery cloth particles from getting into coolant.
- Carefully clean cylinder head and cylinder block sealing surfaces, thereby ensuring that no scoring or scratches are formed (when using abrasive paper, grade must not be less than 100).
- Clean pockets for cylinder head bolts of oil or coolant (blow out carefully with compressed air).
- Carefully remove metal particles, emery remains and cloths.
- Set No. 3 cylinder piston to top dead center and then turn crankshaft back slightly.
- Fit new cylinder head gasket. Lettering (Part No.) must be readable.
- Place cylinder head on block. When doing this observe centralizing pins in cylinder block.
- Fit new cylinder head bolts and tighten hand tight.
- Tighten cylinder head in tightening sequence as follows:
- Tighten all bolts to 60 Nm.
- Then tighten all bolts 1/4 turn (90°) further using a rigid wrench.
- Then tighten all bolts again 1/4 turn (90°) further.
The rest of the assembly is basically a reverse of the disassembly sequence.
Tightening torque for front exhaust pipe to exhaust manifold: 25 Nm
Tightening torque for intake manifold securing bolts: 10 Nm
Installing toothed belt and adjusting timing.
- Fill with coolant.