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These definitions are relevant only to the structural unit: On Board Diagnostic (OBD) for ABS. They are not intended to be generally applicable.

Anti-lock Brake System (ABS). More information on this can be found in the appropriate self-study programs.
Display group number - read measuring value block

Anti-Slip Regulation.

Data transmission. Electric signals are converted in to specific forms for this (BUS). More information on this can be found in self-study programs no. 180 and no. 186.

Data-BUS low (high)
The voltage used to transmit data is low (high). More information on this can be found in self-study program no. 186.

ABS wheel speed sensor
Transmit speed signals to the control module.

Electronic Brake Distribution

Electronic Differential Lock

On Board Diagnostic (OBD)
Capabilities of control module:
^ Recognize malfunctions,
^ React to malfunctions,
^ Store DTCs,

Calculate measured values and display them in measuring value blocks. More information on this can be found in self-study programs no. 180 and in the Scan Tool (ST) operating instructions.

On Board Diagnostic (OBD), initiating
Connect Scan Tool (ST) to check DTC memory. More information on this can be found in self-study programs no. 180 and in the Scan Tool (ST) operating instructions.

Electrical testing
Targeted test of electronic components via measurements.

Traction control
Driving dynamics regulation

No communication
There is no connection for data transmission between control modules. More information on this can be found in self-study program no. 180.

Short circuit to Ground (GND)
A current is -inappropriately- flowing to Ground (GND) without consumer.

Short circuit to B+
A current is -inappropriately- flowing to a voltage carrying component without consumer.

Read measuring value block
The control module can transmit numerous measured values. These measured values provide information about the operational status of the system and the sensors connected to it. In many cases the data supplied can be used to troubleshoot and repair malfunctions. Because these measured values cannot all be evaluated simultaneously, they are organized into individual display groups that can be selected via display group numbers.

Engine drag-torque regulation

Program card version
Always use the most current program card version. More information on this can be found in the users manual for your tester.

Occasionally occurring

Infinite Ohms
Resistance is infinitely large, open circuit.