Drive Belt: Service and Repair
Poly V-belt, removing and installing
Special tools and equipment
- T20167 Clamp
- Remove right side sound insulation:
- Remove engine cover.
- Mark direction of rotation of poly V-belt.
- Turn tensioning device in direction of (arrow) to relieve tension on poly V-belt.
- Lock tensioning element using locking pin T20167.
- Remove poly V-belt.
Install in reverse order and note the following:
^ Ensure, before installing poly V-belt, that all ancillaries (Generator, air conditioning compressor, power steering pump) are secured tightly.
^ When installing the poly V-belt observe belt direction of rotation and ensure that the belt is seated correctly in the belt pulleys.
^ On vehicles which do not have an air conditioning system, place the ribbed belt over the generator pulley last.
^ For models with an air conditioning, place the poly V-belt over the air conditioning compressor last.
After completing repairs always:
- Start engine and check belt running.
Belt drive with no air conditioning compressor
Belt drive with air conditioning compressor