System Specifications
Cylinder Head
Max. permissible distortion 0.1 mm
Reworking diesel cylinder heads is not permissible
Cylinder Head Bolts
Always replace cylinder head bolts
First pass 40 Nm
Second pass 60 Nm
Third pass 1/4 turn (90°)
Final pass 1/4 turn (90°)
Camshaft Bearing Cap Bolts
First pass: Tighten Caps 2 & 4 alternately & diagonally 8 Nm plus an additional 1/4 turn (90°)
Second pass: Install Caps 5, 1 & 3
Final pass: Tighten Caps 5, 1 & 3 8 Nm plus an additional 1/4 turn (90°)
Crankshaft main bearing cap bolts 65 Nm plus an additional 1/4 turn (90°)
Connecting rod bolt 30 Nm plus an additional 1/4 turn (90°)
Crankshaft toothed belt pulley bolt 120 Nm plus 1/4 turn (90°) further
Belt pulley/vibration damper bolts 10 Nm plus an additional 1/4 turn (90°)
Drive Plate Bolts
Install new bolts
First pass 30 Nm
Final pass 60 Nm plus 90° (1/4 turn) (turning further can be done in several stages)
Oil pump to block bolts 15 Nm
Chain sprocket for oil pump bolt 25 Nm
Coolant pump mounting bolts 15 Nm
The coolant pump sealing plug faces downward