Engine: Specifications
Tightening torques
Tightening torques:
Cylinder head
Tighten cylinder head in tightening sequence as follows:
Pre-tighten all bolts to 40 Nm.
Then tighten all bolts 90° (1/4 turn) further using a rigid wrench.
Finally, tighten all bolts 90° (1/4 turn) further using a rigid wrench.
Camshaft bearing cap
Tighten bearing caps 2 and 4, using alternate and diagonal sequence, to 20 Nm.
Install bearing caps 3, 1 and 5 and also tighten to 20 Nm.
Main Bearing cap
Tightening torque 65 Nm plus 1/4 turn (90°)
Connecting rod bearing cap
Tightening torque 30 Nm plus 1/4 turn (90°)
Vibration damper/belt pulley
Tightening torque 25 Nm
Drive plate
Install new bolts - 3 - and tighten to 30 Nm.
Oil pump
Tightening torque 15 Nm
Coolant pump
Tightening torque 15 Nm