Ignition System: Locations
Ignition System, Assembly Overview
1. Spark plug, 30 Nm
- Remove and install using Spark Plug Removal Tool 3122B
- Type and spark plug gap
2. Spark plug connector with spark plug wire
- 4 to 6 kohms
3. Spacing sleeve
4. Rubber grommet
5. 10 Nm
6. Ignition coils (-N-, -N128-, -N158-)
- With Power Output Stage N122
- With spark plug wire identification; do not interchange
7. Connector
- Black, 5-pin
8. 3-pin connector
- Contacts gold plated
9. 20 Nm
- Tightening torque affects function of Knock Sensor (KS)
10. Knock Sensor (KS) 2 -G66-
- Cylinder bank 2
- Terminals of sensor and connector are gold-plated
- Remove to remove intake manifold
11. Knock Sensor (KS) 1 -G61-
- Cylinder bank 1
- Terminals of sensor and connector are gold-plated
- Remove to remove intake manifold
12. 10 Nm
13. Camshaft Position (CMP) sensor 2 -G163-
- Cylinder bank 2
14. 25 Nm
15. Washer
- Conical
16. Hood
- For Hall sender
- Observe installed location
17. Connector
- Black, 3-pin
- For Camshaft Position (CMP) sensor (-G40- or -G163-)
18. Camshaft Position (CMP) sensor -G40-
- Cylinder bank 1