Timing Chain
Timing Chain Assembly Overview
1 - Intake camshaft adjuster
- With sprocket.
- Do not disassemble.
2 - Exhaust camshaft sprocket
- Not pressed on the camshaft.
- When removing, pry off lightly if necessary.
3 - Cylinder head
4 - Tensioning rail
- For the timing chain tensioner.
- Secured to the cylinder blocks
- Lubricate the pin before installing.
5 - Double wheel sprocket
- Securing, refer to [Oil Pump Drive Chain Assembly Overview ].
6 - Timing chain
- Removing:
- Work procedure same as adjust valve timing. Valve Timing, Adjusting
- Remove the vacuum pump.
- Mark direction of travel.
- Note when installing:
- Install in original direction of travel.
- Chain must lay correctly in the tensioning and guide rails.
- Adjust the valve timing. Valve Timing, Adjusting.
7 - Strainer
- Replace
8 - Bolt, 10 Nm
9 - Chain tensioner
- Secure with locking pin (T03006).
10 - Gasket
- Replace
11 - Guide rail
- Lubricate the pin before installing.
12 - Bolt, 60 Nm + 90° (1/4 turn) additional turn
- Always replace.
13 - Bolt, 60 Nm + 90° (1/4 turn) additional turn
- Always replace.