Mounting Tabs, Repairing
Mounting Tabs, Repairing
If upper - 1 -, outer - 2 - or lower headlamp securing tab - 3 - is damaged or broken off, these can be replaced by installing repair kit. It is not necessary to replace the entire headlamp.
• Check whether there is any further damage on the headlamp that makes installation of the repair set superfluous.
• There are two different repair sets, for the left and the right headlamp.
• Each repair set respectively contains the upper, the outer and the lower headlamp mounting tab, four mounting bolts, a metal nut pre-mounted on the upper mounting tab and an adjustment bushing pre-mounted on the outer and the lower headlamp mounting tab respectively.
Repairing the upper strap, refer to => [ Upper Strap, Repairing ] Upper Strap, Repairing.
Repairing the outer strap, refer to => [ Outer Strap, Repairing ] Outer Strap, Repairing.
Repairing the lower strap, refer to => [ Lower Strap, Repairing ] Lower Strap, Repairing.