General Repair Information
General Repair Information
The maximum possible care and cleanliness and proper tools are essential to ensure satisfactory and successful transmission repairs. The usual basic safety precautions also apply when carrying out vehicle repairs.
A number of generally applicable instructions for individual repair operations, which are otherwise mentioned at various points in the Workshop Manual, are summarized here. It applies to this repair information.
The "Automatic Transmission 09G" has 6 hydraulically control forward gears. By passing the torque converter slip, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th gears become mechanically driven gears if the lockup clutch is closed.
Torque Converter
The torque converter is equipped with a slip controlled torque converter lockup clutch. Lockup clutch is closed load and speed-dependent. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th gears can be driven mechanically (without slip).
Automatic Transmission Fluid
Only ATF supplied as a replacement part via the => electronic parts catalog may be added.
The ATF level in the planetary gear and rear final drive are checked and filled together.
Transmission Control Module with Fuzzy Logic
Determining the driving situation and driving resistance dependent shift point occurs automatically.
• It is shifted depending on consumption
• Highest engine performance is always available
• Individual adaptation of shift points in all driving situations
• Gear shift points are infinitely variable
Control Modules
The installed locations of all vehicle control modules and other useful information can also be found in.
09G Transmission
Transmission Construction and Function
• => Multimedia training; Automatic Transmission 09G
• 8515036-Speed Automatic transmission 09G/09M Design and Function
A complete list of special tools and equipment used in this repair information is listed before each repair description and in the "Special Tools Catalog".
With smaller fasteners with a minimal tightening specification, uncertainties often exist. For these fasteners, torque wrench (2-10 Nm) (VAG 1783) can be used.
• If covers are removed from the transmission or the transmission is without oil, do not run the engine and do not tow the vehicle.
• Always clean connection points and their vicinity first and then loosen.
• When installing the transmission, make sure the alignment pins are correctly seated between the engine and transmission.
• Place removed parts on a clean surface and cover them so they do not become contaminated. Use foil or paper. Use lint free cloths only!
• Only install clean components: Only unpack replacement parts immediately prior to installation.
• Carefully cover or seal unpacked components if repairs cannot be performed immediately.
• Secure the torque converter on a removed transmission to keep it from falling out.
Transmission With and Without Filling Tube
Here you see as an example a filler tube as it was installed in an older transmissions. This tube has been omitted.
You also do not need the old filler hole with the red cap because the ATF is drained and filled at the lower hole when necessary. The height of this rising tube corresponds to the height of the ATF level.
To drain, the rising tube is removed.
• After installing, check the ATF level and top off. Refer to => [ ATF Level, Checking and Filling ] Testing and Inspection.
• Capacities, refer to => [ Planetary Gear Set and Final Drive Capacities ] Planetary Gear Set and Final Drive Capacities.
Seals, Gaskets and Oil
• O-rings, gaskets and seals must be replaced.
• Before installing the radial shaft seal, coat the sealing lips and the space between them with sealing grease (G 052 128).
• The open side of the seals face toward the oil.
• Check the ATF level after installing.
Be cautious when dealing with oil. Dispose of drained oil properly. Consider this: One drop of oil can contaminate 1000 liters of drinking water.
Bolts and Nuts
• Loosen or tighten bolts and nuts for the covers or housings diagonally.
• The tightening specification stated apply to non-lubricated nuts and bolts.
• Clean the threads of bolts that were installed with locking fluid using a wire brush. Next, install the bolts using locking compound AMV 185 100 A1 (locking compound).
• All threaded bores in which self locking bolts are threaded must be cleaned of any remaining locking fluid using a tap. Otherwise there is a risk that the bolts will shear the next time they are removed.
• Replace self locking bolts and nuts.
Electrical Components
You have probably received a electrical shock at one time, when touching a metal item. The reason for this is the electrostatic charge that is built up in the human body. This charge can lead to malfunctions when contacting the electrical components of the transmission and the gear selector.
- Touch a grounded object, for example, a water pipe or a hoist, before working on electrical components! Do not make direct contact with the electrical connectors or open electronic components.
Guided Fault Finding, Vehicle Diagnosis and Test Instruments
Before beginning any service work on the transmission, determine the cause of the damage using "Guided Fault Finding".
The Guided Fault Finding is performed with the vehicle diagnosis, testing and information system (VAS 5051B). Refer to => [ Tester, Connecting ] 09G Transmission.
Guided Functions allows you to find the ATF temperature as quickly as possible. Refer to => [ Tester, Connecting ] 09G Transmission.