Anti-Theft Immobilizer
Anti-Theft Immobilizer
=> [ Anti-Theft Immobilizer Control Module ]
=> [ Anti-Theft Immobilizer Reading Module ]
=> [ Electronic Ignition Switch ]
General Description:
The Passat is equipped with Anti-theft Immobilizer 4 with online connection. The chief integral component of the fourth generation immobilizer is a central database, in which all anti-theft relevant data of participating control modules is stored. It is not possible to adapt the participating control modules to the immobilizer without an online connection to this data bank.
Online system test, refer to => [ Anti-Theft Immobilizer Online System Test ] Anti-Theft Immobilizer Online System Test.
Modifications from Immobilizer 3:
• It is not possible to request the PIN of anti-theft immobilizer components via fax or earlier clearing of the components.
• All components participating on the immobilizer must be adapted online.
• All vehicle keys (subsequently ordered keys as well) are already pre-coded to a specific vehicle from the factory and can only be adapted to this vehicle.
• It is necessary to have the VIN to be able to order replacement keys.
• It is no longer possible to perform adaptation on components originating from other Konzern brands in Volkswagen vehicles.
Immobilizer Components:
• Anti-Theft Immobilizer Control Module (J362), refer to => [ Anti-Theft Immobilizer Control Module ].
• Electronic Steering Column Lock Control Module (J764), refer to => [ Electronic Steering Column Lock Control Module ] Electronic Steering Column Lock Control Module (J764).
• Electronic Ignition Switch (D9), refer to => [ Electronic Ignition Switch ].
• Ignition key, refer to => [ Ignition Key ] Ignition Key.
Replacing all immobilizer components, refer to => [ Anti-Theft Immobilizer New Identity When Replacing All Components ] Anti-Theft Immobilizer New Identity When Replacing All Components.
Functions of Anti-Theft Immobilizer Control Module (J362):
• Communicating all theft relevant data to the central data bank via the online connection.
• Communication of all components participating on immobilizer with each other.
• Data encryption between participating control modules.
DTC Recognition and Display:
The immobilizer is equipped with On Board Diagnostic (OBD) capabilities which aids in troubleshooting.
The "Guided Fault Finding" function is to be used for troubleshooting of one of the systems described.
Anti-Theft Immobilizer Control Module (J362)
The Anti-theft Immobilizer Control Module is integrated into Comfort System Central Control Module (J393).
If anti-theft control module is malfunctioning, the Comfort System Central Control Module must be replaced.
- Comfort System Central Control Module, removing and installing, refer to => [ Comfort System Central Control Module ] Comfort System Central Control Module (J393).
• If Comfort System Central Control Module is to be replaced, the work procedure => [ Comfort System Central Control Module, Replace and Coding ] Programming and Relearning to read out the codes stored in the module must always be performed.
• After replacing Comfort System Central Control Module, other functions of Comfort System Central Control Module such as Anti-theft Immobilizer, Anti-theft Alarm System, access and start authorization, tire pressure monitoring and central locking system key must also be adapted, depending on vehicle equipment.
• In this case, start by adapting the Anti-theft Immobilizer, refer to => [ Anti-Theft Immobilizer Control Module, Adapting ] Anti-Theft Immobilizer Control Module (J362), Adapting and then the other equipment-dependent functions of Comfort System Central Control Module in any order.
Anti-Theft Immobilizer Reading Module (D1)
Anti-Theft Immobilizer Reading Module is integrated in the electronic ignition switch and cannot be replaced individually.
Electronic Ignition Switch (D9), refer to => [ Electronic Ignition Switch ]
Electronic Ignition Switch (D9)
The following components are integrated in the electronic ignition switch (depending on equipment):
• Anti-Theft Immobilizer Reading Module (D1)
• Push Button Illumination (L76)
• Ignition Switch Key Lock Solenoid (N376) (vehicles with automatic transmission only)