Adaptive Cruise Control
Adaptive Cruise Control
=> [ Adaptive Cruise Control, Calibration Information ]
=> [ Adaptive Cruise Control, Calibrating during Vehicle Alignment ]
=> [ Adaptive Cruise Control, Calibration without Prior Vehicle Alignment ]
Adaptive Cruise Control, Calibration Information
When must it be calibrated?
It must be calibrated if:
• The lock carrier was removed and installed.
• The adaptive cruise control (ACC) sensor (G550) was removed and installed.
• If toe and/or rear axle camber was adjusted during a vehicle alignment.
What test requirements must be fulfilled for calibration?
• Previously performed vehicle alignment or wheel run-out compensation.
• Specified values for tire pressure and height are checked.
Adaptive Cruise Control, Calibrating during Vehicle Alignment
Observe the following work sequence!
- Observe the notes in your alignment unit. Refer to => [ Adaptive Cruise Control, Calibration Information ].
Measuring Procedure
Space Requirements in Front of Vehicle
- a - = 1145 mm ± 5 mm
Distance - a - is distance between Automatic Cruise Control (ACC) sensor (G550) mirror and ACC adjustment tool (VAS 6041) / adjustment tool (VAS 6430) measuring field
• If necessary, use precision spoiler adapter (V.A.G 1813/12) to equalize height between ACC adjustment tool (VAS 6041) / adjustment tool (VAS 6430)and vehicle alignment platform.
VW Emblem, Removing
- Guide a screw driver through opening - arrow A - and press tab - arrow B - downward.
- Remove VW emblem.
Automatic Cruise Control (ACC) Sensor Adjusting Screw Identification
1. Horizontal or measuring block 6-2 adjusting screw
2. Vertical or measuring block 6-3 adjusting screw
3. must not be turned - functions only as a pivot point
Explanation of Axles and Display in VAS 505X
Y Measuring block 6-2
Z Measuring block 6-3
Value 0.1 corresponds to 4 mm on (VAS 6041/2) and/or (VAS 6430)
With a measuring block 6-2, display in VAS 505X shows a value of 0.6 and measuring block 6-3 a value of -1.0.
These values lead to a measuring point - arrow - that consists of the following values:
- a - = 24 mm
- b - = 40 mm
Menu in VAS 505X:
- Press the following buttons on the screen one after the other:
• Suspension
• Distance Control
• 01 - On Board Diagnostic (OBD) Capable Systems
• Functions
• Adaption to adjustment on alignment stand
Follow the instructions on the screen to perform the basic setting.
Adaptive Cruise Control, Calibration without Prior Vehicle Alignment
Observe the following work sequence!
- Observe the notes in your alignment unit. Refer to => [ Adaptive Cruise Control, Calibration Information ].
Measuring Procedure
Space Requirements in Front of Vehicle
- a - = 1145 mm ± 5 mm
Distance - a - is distance between Automatic Cruise Control (ACC) sensor (G550) mirror and ACC adjustment tool (VAS 6041) / adjustment tool (VAS 6430) measuring field.
• If necessary, use precision spoiler adapter (V.A.G 1813/12) to equalize height between ACC adjustment tool (VAS 6041) / adjustment tool (VAS 6430) and vehicle alignment platform.
VW Emblem, Removing
- Guide a screw driver through opening - arrow A - and press tab - arrow B - downward.
- Remove VW emblem.
Automatic Cruise Control (ACC) Sensor (G550) Adjusting Screw Identification
1. Horizontal or measuring block 6-2 adjusting screw.
2. Vertical or measuring block 6-3 adjusting screw.
3. Must not be turned - functions only as a pivot point.
Explanation of Axles and Display in VAS 505X
Y Measuring block 6-2
Z Measuring block 6-3
Value 0.1 corresponds to 4 mm on (VAS 6041/2) and/or (VAS 6430)
With a measuring block 6-2, display in VAS 505X shows a value of 0.6 and measuring block 6-3 a value of -1.0.
These values lead to a measuring point - arrow - that consists of the following values:
- a - = 24 mm
- b - = 40 mm
Menu in VAS 505X:
- Press the following buttons on the screen one after the other:
• Suspension
• Distance Control
• 01 - On Board Diagnostic (OBD) Capable Systems
• Functions
• Adaption to adjustment on alignment stand
Follow the instructions on the screen to perform the basic setting.