Converting R12 Refrigerant Circuit To R134a Refrigerant Circuit And Servicing (Retrofit)
Converting R12 Refrigerant Circuit To R134a Refrigerant Circuit And Servicing (Retrofit)
- Please refer to National and State Legislation on the handling and disposal of refrigerants and refrigerant oils.
- Addresses in other countries can be obtained from the relevant authorities.
- For environmental reasons and on account of the corresponding legislation, refrigerant R12 can no longer be manufactured or supplied. Refrigerant R134a has been developed as a replacement for R12.
- Air conditioning systems developed and designed for refrigerant R12 cannot however simply be charged with refrigerant R134a. To ensure trouble-free operation of the air conditioning system even after conversion, various components of the refrigerant circuit must be replaced.
- A precise description of the conversion procedure and information on the servicing of converted refrigerant circuits can be found in: Air conditioner with refrigerant R12 Parts 2 and 3.