Headlamp Mounting Tabs, Servicing
Headlamp Mounting Tabs, Servicing
If one or more headlamp mounting tabs are damaged or broken off, they can be replaced by installing the repair set. It is not necessary to replace the entire headlamp.
1. Outer top mounting tab
2. Inner top mounting tab
3. Side mounting tab
4. Lower mounting tab
• Check whether there is no further damage on the headlamp that makes installation of the repair set superfluous.
• There are two different repair sets, one for the left and one for the right headlamp.
• The same repair set is used for both manufacturers (Hella and Valeo).
• Each repair set contains the corresponding top, side and lower headlamp retaining lugs, four mounting bolts and two banjo fittings.
• The following illustrations depict replacement of mounting tabs at right headlamp.
• Replacement of securing lugs on left headlamp and on right headlamp are performed analogously.
- Outer top mounting tab, repairing, refer to => [ Outer Top Mounting Tab, Repairing ] Headlamps.
- Inner top mounting tab, repairing, refer to => [ Inner Top Mounting Tab, Repairing ] Headlamps.
- Side mounting tab, repairing, refer to => [ Side Mounting Tab, Repairing ] Headlamps.
- Lower mounting tab, repairing, refer to => [ Lower Mounting Tab, Repairing ] Headlamps.