Fuel Pressure, Checking
Fuel Pump, Checking
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required
• Pressure Tester (VAS 6550)
• Remote Control (V.A.G 1348/3A)
• Test Instrument Adapter/DSO (5 pin) (VAS 5565)
• Multi-Meter (V.A.G 1715)
• Wrench (T10202)
• Measuring Container, 2 Liter
Fuel Pressure, Checking
• The fuel pump function must be checked. Refer to => [ Function and Voltage Supply, Checking ]. Function and Voltage Supply, Checking
Read the safety precautions before beginning work. Refer to => [ Safety Precautions ] Fuel Supply.
- Observe the rules for cleanliness. Refer to => [ Clean Working Conditions ] Fuel Supply.
The fuel supply line is under pressure! Wear protective goggles and protective clothing to prevent injuries and contact with skin. Before disconnecting the connection, wrap a cloth around the connection. Carefully disconnect the connection to release the pressure.
- Disconnect the supply line (metal coupling) - arrow - and collect any leaking fuel with a cloth.
• Press in the securing ring to disengage the fuel line.
- Connect the (VAS 6550) to the fuel supply line using (VAS 6550/1) and (VAS 6550/2).
- Make sure the drain valve lever - C - is closed and levers - A and B - are open.
- Activate the fuel pump with output Diagnostic Test Mode (DTM) to build fuel pressure.
- Check the fuel pressure on the (VAS 6550).
• Specified value: 4.0 to 7.0 bar.
If fuel pressure is OK, check the residual pressure. Refer to => [ Residual Pressure, Checking ]. Residual Pressure, Checking
If the Specification is Exceeded
- If the pressure relief valve in the fuel filter is faulty, then replace the flange with fuel filter:
Front Wheel Drive (FWD), refer to - item 20 -=> [ Flange with Fuel Filter ] Fuel Tank and Components Overview.
All Wheel Drive (AWD), refer to - item 22 -=> [ Flange with Fuel Filter ] Fuel Tank and Components Overview.
If the Specification is not Obtained
- Check the fuel lines for possible restrictions (kinks) or blockages.
If no malfunction can be found:
- Replace the flange with fuel filter and pressure relief valve, refer to one of the following:
FWD, refer to - item 20 -=> [ Flange with Fuel Filter ] Fuel Tank and Components Overview.
AWD, refer to - item 22 -=> [ Flange with Fuel Filter ] Fuel Tank and Components Overview.
- Repeat the test.
If the Specification is Again not Obtained
- Replace the fuel delivery unit if the fuel pump is faulty. Refer to => [ Fuel Delivery Unit ] Fuel Delivery Unit.