Cylinder Head, Valvetrain - Fastener Tightening Specifications
Fastener Tightening Specifications
• 1 Always replace
• 2 Install using locking fluid (D 000 600 A2)
Cylinder Head Cover Bolt Tightening Sequence and Specification
- Tighten the bolts from the inside and working toward the outside- 1 through 17 - to 10 Nm
Cylinder Head Bolt Tightening Sequence and Specification
- Tighten the cylinder head bolts in the specified sequence, starting from the inside and working toward outside, as follows:
1 - Tighten all bolts to 15 Nm
2 - Tighten all bolts to 30 Nm
3 - Tighten all bolt an additional 90° (1/4) turn
4 - Tighten all bolts and additional 90° (1/4) turn
Intake Camshaft Bearing Cap Nut Tightening Sequence and Specification
- Install bearing caps 5 and 9 and tighten alternately in a diagonal sequence to 5 Nm + 45° (1/8) additional turn.
- Install bearing caps 1 and 13 and tighten to 5 Nm + 45° (1/8) additional turn.
- Install bearing caps 7 and 13 and tighten to 5 Nm + 45° (1/8) additional turn.
- Install bearing caps 3 and 11 and tighten to 5 Nm + 45° (1/8) additional turn.
Exhaust Camshaft Bearing Cap Nut Tightening Sequence and Specification
- Install bearing caps 6 and 10 and tighten alternately in a diagonal sequence to 5 Nm + 45° (1/8) additional turn.
- Install bearing caps 2 and 14 and tighten to 5 Nm + 45° (1/8) additional turn.
- Install bearing caps 8 and 13 and tighten to 5 Nm + 45° (1/8) additional turn.
- Install bearing caps 4 and 12 and tighten to 5 Nm + 45° (1/8) additional turn.
Intake manifold Specifications
Exhaust manifold Specifications
Max. permissible distortion 0.05 mm