Fastener Tightening Specifications
Cylinder Head Bolts
Start from inside and work toward outside
First pass: Pre-tighten all bolts 15 Nm
Second pass: Tighten all bolts 30 Nm
Final pass: Tighten all bolts (1/2 turn) (180°) further
Intake manifold to cylinder head bolts 8 Nm
Intake manifold to support 20 Nm
Camshaft Bearing Cap Bolts
Please refer to Camshafts, Removing and Installing for tightening specifications and procedure. Camshafts
Crankshaft Main Bearing Cap Bolts 30 Nm plus an additional 1/2 turn (180°)
2 x 90° further turns is permitted
Connecting Rod Bolts 30 Nm plus an additional 1/4 turn (90°)
Vibration Damper Bolt 100 Nm plus an additional 1/2 turn (180°)
Turning further may be performed in several stages
Drive Plate Bolts
Install new bolts
First pass 30 Nm
Final pass 60 Nm plus an additional 90° (1/4 turn, additional rotation may occur in several stages)
Oil Pump Mounting Bolts 8 Nm
Use new bolts
Chain sprockets mounting bolt 60 Nm plus an additional 1/4 turn (90°)
Use new bolts with strength category 10.9