Wiper and Washer Systems: Adjustments
End Position Of Windshield Wiper Blades, Checking/Adjusting
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required
• Torque Wrench (V.A.G 1331)
• To adjust the end position of the windshield wiper blades, it is necessary to shut off the motor in the lowest park position.
Information about the APP function, refer to => [ Alternating Park Position Of Wiper Motor (APP Function), Deactivating ] Testing and Inspection.
- Deactivate APP function, refer to => [ Alternating Park Position Of Wiper Motor (APP Function), Deactivating ] Testing and Inspection if not already done by this time.
- Let wiper run into rest position and then switch off ignition.
- Now perform the test/adjustment on end position of windshield wiper blades.
a Distance between points of wiper lip and upper edge of plenum chamber cover
1. Points of wiper lip
2. Upper edge of plenum chamber cover
A Passenger side
B Driver side
• On the front passenger's side - A -, distance - a - between tips of wiper lips and upper edge of plenum chamber cover must be 17.5 mm.
• On the driver's side - B -, distance - a - between tips of wiper lips and upper edge of plenum chamber cover must be 10 mm.
- If necessary, set park position of windshield wiper blades by offsetting wiper arms.
Wiper arms, removing and installing, refer to => [ Wiper Arms ] Service and Repair.