Engine, Removing
Engine, Removing
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required
• Lifting Tackle (3033)
• Engine Support (T40074)
• Torque Wrench (5-50 Nm) (V.A.G 1331)
• Torque Wrench (40-200 Nm) (V.A.G 1332)
• Engine/Transmission Jack (V.A.G 1383 A)
• Step Ladder (VAS 5085)
• Spring Type Clip Pliers (VAS 5024 A)
• Engine and Transmission Holder (VAS 6095) with Engine Support (3269)
• Shop Crane (VAS 6100)
• Drip Tray (V.A.G 1306) or Drip Tray (VAS 6208)
• Container for Removed Parts (V.A.G 1698)
• Engine Bung Set (VAS 6122)
• Cable ties
• High temperature grease (G 052 133 A2) (for vehicles equipped with DSG(R))
• Grease (G 000 1000) (for vehicles with manual transmission)
The engine with transmission is removed downward.
- Check the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) memory for all control modules before removal. Refer to "Guided Fault Finding" in the vehicle diagnostic tester.
• All cable ties which are opened or cut open when removing engine, must be replaced in the same position when installing engine.
• Leave the key in the ignition lock to prevent the steering lock from engaging.
• It is advisable to remove the front wheels before removing the engine/transmission assembly. The vehicle can be lowered on the hoist until the cover plates of the brake discs are just above the floor. This enables the most ergonomic work position possible regarding accessibility of components in the engine compartment.
• When the engine is installed in the engine compartment some components cannot be removed or can only be removed with great difficulty. Therefore determine which components are faulty before removing the engine.
• To prevent damage to the removed components, use a (V.A.G 1698) for storage.
When doing any repair work, especially in the engine compartment, pay attention to the following due to clearance issues:
• Route lines of all types (for example, fuel, hydraulic, Evaporative Emission (EVAP), coolant, refrigerant, brake fluid and vacuum) and electrical wiring so that the original path is followed.
• To prevent damage to the lines, make sure there is sufficient clearance to all moving or hot components.
- Disconnect battery Ground (GND) cable with ignition switched off.
- Completely remove air filter with connecting hose to throttle valve control module (J338). Refer to => [ Air Filter Housing Overview ] Service and Repair.
- Remove air filter bracket.
- Remove windshield wiper arms, plenum chamber cover and plenum chamber facing wall.
Vehicles with Engine Control Module (ECM) Equipped with Anti-Theft Immobilizer
- Remove protective housing from ECM. Refer to => [ Engine Control Module with Anti-Theft Immobilizer ] Engine Control Module with Anti-Theft Immobilizer.
Continuation for All
- Disconnect engine wiring harness connector from the ECM.
- Release pass-through for engine wiring harness - arrow - and pull off upward.
- Remove the nut - arrow - and generator wire from the fuse holder.
- Remove the bolt and the ground (GND) wire - arrow - from the longitudinal member.
- Remove the bolt and the ground (GND) wire - arrow - from the longitudinal member.
- Disconnect all harness connectors for the engine wiring harness/body and set the engine wiring harness on the engine.
The fuel supply line is under pressure! Wear protective goggles and protective clothing to prevent injuries and contact with skin. Before disconnecting the connection, wrap a cloth around the connection. Then release pressure by carefully disconnecting the connection.
- Pay attention to the rules for cleanliness. Refer to => [ Clean Working Conditions ] Clean Working Conditions.
- Disconnect the fuel supply line - 1 - (black) and catch any leaking fuel with a cloth.
- Disconnect the ventilation line - 2 - (white) and remove the Evaporative Emission (EVAP) canister.
• Press the locking ring to release the fuel lines.
• The vacuum line (green) for the Leak Detection Pump (LDP) (V144) must also be disconnected.
- Seal the pipes so that the fuel system is not contaminated by dirt etc.
- Disconnect the connectors from the Heated Oxygen Sensors (HO2S) on the plenum chamber bulkhead and free up the wires.
1 (HO2S) 2 (G108) , 6-pin harness connector (brown)
2 (HO2S) (G39) , 6-pin harness connector (black)
- Disconnect all electrical wires from the engine/transmission and set aside.
- Remove brake booster vacuum hose from the intake manifold.
- Disconnect all other vacuum and intake hoses from engine.
- Disconnecting the shift mechanism from the transmission.
Hot steam may escape when opening the expansion tank cap. Wear protective goggles and protective clothing to prevent damage to eyes and scalding. Cover the cap with a cloth and open very carefully.
- Open and close the expansion tank cap, to relieve the cooling system pressure.
- Remove the noise insulation.
- Remove front sections of wheel housing liners.
- Bring lock carrier into service position.
- Remove noise insulation right support from lock carrier.
- Disconnect the connector from the oil level thermal sensor (G266).
- Disconnect wire bracket from oil level thermal sensor at subframe.
- Remove the front exhaust pipe with catalytic converters => [ Front Exhaust Pipe with Catalytic Converters ] Front Exhaust Pipe with Catalytic Converters.
Do not bend the flex joints in the exhaust pipes more than 20° or they could be damaged. A second mechanic is required for the removal.
• To prevent damage to the Air Conditioning (A/C) condenser and also to the refrigerant lines/hoses, ensure that the lines and hoses are not stretched, kinked or bent.
To facilitate removal and installation of the engine without having to open the refrigerant circuit:
- Remove the ribbed belt. Refer to => [ Ribbed Belt ] Service and Repair.
- Open the refrigerant line fasteners on the body.
- Remove the A/C compressor with refrigerant lines still connected from the auxiliary bracket.
- Disengage the A/C compressor - A - at the lock carrier as shown (fasteners - 1 and 2 -).
- Remove the right drive axle heat shield.
- Remove the drive axles.
- Remove the pendulum support bolts - 1 through 3 - and remove the pendulum support.
- Drain the coolant. Refer to => [ Draining and Filling ] Draining and Filling.
- Remove coolant hose quick release couplings from radiator and heater core.
- Remove coolant hoses to reservoir.
- Install the (T40074) to the (V.A.G 1383 A).
- Remove the (T40074/1) from the (T40074) and install it to the cylinder block with a nut - 1 -.
- Position the (T40074) on the engine as illustrated and install the (T40074/1) to the (T40074) - 2 -.
- Install the (T40074) to the exhaust side of the cylinder block using 2 M10 x 25 bolts - arrows - and tighten them to approximately 20 Nm.
- Gently lift engine and transmission using (V.A.G 1383 A).
- Remove the engine mount to engine mount bracket bolts - arrows -.
- Remove the engine mount to engine mount bracket bolts - arrows -.
• Use (VAS 5085) to remove the bolts.
• Carefully guided engine with transmission, when lowering, to prevent damage to bodywork.
- Carefully lower engine with transmission.