Engine: Adjustments
Engine and Transmission Mount, Adjusting
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required
• Engine support bridge (10-222A)
• Torque wrench (40-200 Nm) (VAG 1332)
If an insufficient or an excessive distance is measured, proceed as follows:
- Remove the battery.
- Remove the cover - 1 - of the E-box and remove the wire - 2 -.
- Remove the battery holder bolts - arrows - and battery holder.
- Install the (10-222A) , (10-222A/8) and the (10-222A/3) in front of the hood struts.
- Install the carabiner hook for the right spindle into the (10-222A/12).
- Install the carabiner hook of the left spindle into the lifting eye on the engine.
- Uniformly preload the engine using both spindles, do not raise.
- Remove the engine mount to engine mount bracket bolts - arrows -.
- Remove the transmission mount to transmission mount bracket bolts - arrows -.
- Replace all bolts in succession (provided that it was not done during engine installation) and install them loosely.
- Slide the engine, between the engine mount arm - 1 - and bracket - 2 - using a tire iron far enough until the bolts are located at the center of the elongated holes.
• There must be a distance - a - of at least 10 mm present between the engine mount bracket - 2 - and right longitudinal member.
• The casting edge on engine mount bracket - 2 - must be parallel to the engine mount arm - 1 -. Dimension - x - must be the same at the front and lower bottom.
• Distance - a - can be checked using a suitable round stock.
- Tighten the engine mount to engine mount bracket bolts. Refer to => [ Fastener Tightening Specifications ] Engine Assembly - Fastener Tightening Specifications.
- On transmission side, make sure that edges of the transmission mount - 2 - and transmission mount bracket - 1 - are parallel to each other. Dimension - x - must be equal at the top and bottom.
- Tighten the transmission mount to transmission mount bracket bolts. Refer to => [ Fastener Tightening Specifications ] Engine Assembly - Fastener Tightening Specifications.
The rest of the assembly is performed in reverse order.