Determining Clutch Manufacturer
Determining Clutch Manufacturer
Either a "Sachs" or a "LuK" clutch may be installed.
It is possible to tell which clutch the vehicle has with the transmission installed:
- Remove the noise insulation.
- Remove the noise insulation from the oil pan, if necessary.
There are some openings - arrows - between the engine - A - and the transmission - B - near the bottom of the oil pan.
- Check the outer contour of the flywheel through this opening.
- The outer contour of the flywheel can also be inspected by removing the small cover plate - A -.
Round outer contour - arrows - = a Sachs clutch - A -:
- Sachs clutch removing and installing. Refer to => [ Sachs ] Clutch.
- Sachs clutch overview. Refer to => [ Sachs ] Sachs.
Squared outer contour - arrows 1 - and a circulated depression - arrow 2 - = a LuK clutch - B -:
Round outer contour - arrows 1 - and a circulated depression - arrow 2 - = a LuK clutch - B -:
- LuK clutch removing and installing. Refer to => [ LuK ] Clutch.
- LuK clutch overview. Refer to => [ LuK ] LuK.