Diagram 672/1
Comfort System, with anti-theft alarm system, from July 2008
This manufacturer uses "Track" style wiring diagrams.
For information on how to use these diagrams effectively, please refer to Diagram Information and Instructions. Diagram Information and Instructions
Relay and Fuse Arrangements, Control Modules and Connections => Component Locations
Guided Fault Finding => For Guided Fault Finding using VAS 5051 / 5052
Relay Locations on 13 position Auxiliary Relay Carrier above Relay Panel:
Relay panel:
4 - J17 - Fuel Pump (FP) Relay (409)
Position of Fuses on Relay Panel:
A - S43 - Window Regulator Circuit Breaker (30A)
H - S111 - Anti-Theft Alarm System and Anti-Theft Immobilizer Fuse (15A)
J - S144 - Central Locking/Anti-Theft Warning System Fuse (15A)
• The number in brackets behind the part designation denotes the control number on the housing.
Next Diagram 672/2 (Tracks 1-14)