"Rear Seat Entertainment" Multimedia System
"Rear Seat Entertainment" Multimedia System
The following are required for fault finding:
• Vehicle Diagnosis, Testing and Information System VAS 5051.
• Measuring device set V.A.G 1594 G or measuring device set V.A.G 1594 C.
• Release tool set VAS 1978/35.
• Operating manual for the multimedia system.
• Current flow diagram Passat 2006 right arrow, RSE (rear seat entertainment) multimedia system.
Test prerequisites:
• Attachment of the negative terminal of the battery on the battery's negative pole OK.
• RSE multimedia system fuse in the electrics box on the left side of the engine compartment OK.
Electrics box in low version: fuse SB1 on slot F1
Electrics box in high version: fuse SB22 on slot F22
• Battery voltage OK.
• Switching voltage terminal 15 on connector T12j/10 on radio or navigation unit OK.
• Batteries for remote control OK.
Preparation for fault finding:
- Turn off ignition and all electric consumers.
- Insert the ignition key into the ignition lock.
- Turn on the radio or the navigation unit.
• If necessary, the socket housing on the wiring harness can be opened to carry out measurements. To do this, please use the release tool set VAS 1978/35.
After fault rectification, please carry out a functional test of the RSE multimedia system.