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Audio System - Bass Flare/Poor Radio Reception


Affected Vehicles

91 09 06 Mar. 5, 2009 2019894, Supersedes the following Technical Bulletins due to consolidation of information and to minimize symptom diagnosis confusion:
- T.B. Instance number 2015914 (V910804) dated March 28, 2008
- T.B. Instance number 2012737 (V910805) dated March 28, 2008
- T.B. Instance number 2013208 (V910806) dated April 11, 2008
- T.B. Instance number 2012018 (V910603) dated July 28, 2006

Radio, Panasonic Premium Sound System, Updated Programming for Bass Flare, Radio Reception, "No Sat"

The update programming procedure in this bulletin proactively addresses the following concerns on Panasonic Premium Sound Systems:
- Eliminates "Amp Clipping" condition.
- Radio reception fades and/or volume fluctuates.
- Satellite radio inoperative with "No Sat" displayed (If equipped).
- Radio may not power down with key off and door open.
- Eliminates "Bass Flare" condition.

Technical Background
This procedure corrects all of the following concerns shown below by updating radio to the latest software -0035-.

Symptom Description
- Amp clipping: Clipping is experienced at the upper volume levels. When the condition occurs, the radio will "clip" and lower the volume. The sound output may sound muffled. Issue was corrected in SW 0018

- Radio reception fades and/or volume fluctuates: The FM Hicut filter decreases static heard during short term reception loss and will mute the treble. This action gives the perception of volume loss, reduction in volume, and/or loss of sound quality on FM stations. The software update reduces the level of Hicut that is experienced. Issue was corrected in SW 0021.

Tip: Window tint may play a large role in the reduction of antenna performance.

- Satellite radio inoperative with "No Sat" displayed on Radio (If equipped): Only fault code stored in radio is 02635 Satellite Tuner Activation. This is due to the radio's inability to activate satellite radio. Issue was corrected in SW 0021.
- Radio may not power down with ignition key switched OFF and door open: Issue was corrected in SW 0035.
- "Bass Flare": Bass flare is an increase in bass level with an inability to reduce bass. Also experienced is a decrease in Treble level with inability to increase Treble. Issue was corrected in SW 0035.

Production Solution
Complete software solution as of SW 0035.


Verify Radio Software

- Connect Midtronics InCharge (INC-940) tester/charger to vehicle's battery.
- Connect VAS tester to vehicle.
- Switch ignition ON.
- Select Vehicle Self Diagnosis.
- Select On Board Diagnostics (OBD).
- Select 56 - Radio.

- Write down the software level.
- Determine the manufacturer of the radio. Panasonic radio can be identified by either a PM6 or ZSW letters.

Tip: If software level is 0035 or higher OR radio is not produced by Panasonic, this technical bulletin DOES NOT apply, further diagnosis is required.

Transfer Radio Software to VAS Tester

Tip: Scan tool software with base 14 will need to have files transferred from the flash disc directly to the VAS tester. This procedure works best with a VAS tool that has a mouse connected to it.

- Insert update programming CD, Literature No. PANFLSW0035, into VAS tester.
- Minimize the VAS-PC screen.
- Open "My Computer" (Left Arrow).
- Open the "E" drive (Right Arrow). A folder named "datflash" and a file named "label" will be displayed on the screen.
- Minimize the window.

- Open "My Computer" (Left Arrow) to open up a new window.
- Open the "C" drive (Right Arrow).

- Open the "SIDIS" folder.
- Open the "Home" folder.
- Move the folder named "datflash" to the "Home" folder.
- Close both open windows and maximize the VAS-PC screen.
- Remove programming CD from the VAS tester.

Programming Procedure for Panasonic Premium Radio

- Activate Vehicle Self Diagnosis from VAS tester and select On Board Diagnostic (OBD).
- Select 56 - Radio

Tip: Radio may be in the ON or OFF position. Radio station presets will not be lost after the software programming has been completed.

- At the bottom of the screen, select 019 - Update Programming.

- Read the Warning displayed on screen, and go forward to next screen, the software programming process will begin, as shown.

Tip: A bar-graph will appear showing the programming process.

- If a pop-up appears on VAS tester stating that Diagnostic link is faulty, ensure ignition is switched ON and select repeat.
- Cycle the key as directed by the VAS tester.
- SW 0035 will now be shown for the software level.
- Exit out of the VAS tester.

Tip: If flash does not complete, perform the following:

- Disconnect the VAS data link connector.
- Select "Left arrow" on VAS tool until all the control modules are shown.
- Reconnect the VAS data link connector.
- Select 56 - Radio.

Tip: Radio NP2 Boot V3.0 will now be displayed in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

- Select 019 - Update Programming.
- Select "Right arrow" to restart the programming process.
- Cycle the key as directed by the VAS tester.
- SW 0035 will now be shown for the software level.
- Exit out of the VAS tester.


Required Parts and Tools
No Special Parts required.

Tip: Additional copies of the Update - Programming CD (Literature Number CD PANFLSW0035) may be ordered from the Volkswagen Technical Literature Ordering Center.

Additional Information
All part and service references provided in this Technical Bulletin are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Dept. and Repair Manuals for the latest information.