Subframe Without Steering Gear
Subframe without Steering Gear
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required
^ Torque Wrench V.A.G. 1331
^ Torque Wrench V.A.G. 1332
Note: Subframe is removed together with control arms.
- Remove lower noise insulation.
- Remove wheels.
- Remove nuts - arrows - on left and right side of vehicle.
- Pull control arm out of lower ball joint.
- Remove bracket for exhaust system from subframe.
- Remove bolts - arrows - from heat shield.
Vehicles with auxiliary heater
- Remove bolts - arrows A - from heat shield.
- Remove bracket - 2 - from subframe.
- Remove bolt - arrow B - and slide exhaust pipe of auxiliary heater - 1 - upward.
Continuation for all vehicles
- Remove heat shield from subframe.
- Remove coupling rod from stabilizer bar.
- Remove pendulum support from transmission, remove bolts - 13 - to do so.
Now remove bolts for:
^ Steering gear - 3 - and - 6 -
^ Stabilizer bar - 11 - and - 14 -
^ Subframe - 4 - and - 5 -.
- Lower subframe using engine/transmission jack V.A.G. 1383 A.
- Secure steering gear to body.
Installation is in reverse sequence.
- Install wheels.
- Install noise insulation and tighten, tightening torques.
- Perform road test after repair work is completed; if steering wheel is crooked while doing so, vehicle alignment must be performed.
Tightening Specifications
Tightening Specifications:
Tightening specifications, subframe to body
Tightening specifications, subframe to body:
Tightening specifications, pendulum support to the transmission
CAUTION! From model year 08, in the 02Q manual transmission, the pendulum support threaded connections are equipped with Heli-Coil(R) inserts.
Use strength class 10.9 bolts on these and all other transmissions.
If there are no Heli-Coil(R) inserts in the 02Q manual transmission, then use strength class 8.8 bolts and the appropriate tightening specifications.