Seat Bench Cover and Upholstery With Integrated Child Seat
Rear Seat Cover and Upholstery
Seat Bench Cover and Upholstery with Integrated Child Seat
• The work described is for the right child seat in the sedan bench seat. The work for the left child seat in the sedan bench seat and the right and left child seats in the wagon is the same, except for minor changes.
- Remove the bench seat:
• Sedan: => [ Seat Bench ] Rear Seats
• Wagon: => [ Seat Bench ] Rear Seats
- Swing integrated child seat - 1 - upward.
- Release the two retaining hooks - A arrows - and remove foot compartment - 2 - from mounts in the bench seat.
• Before installing the foot compartment - 2 -, evenly pull cover fabric - 3 - taut - arrow B - until it is free of wrinkles.
- Swing integrated child seat - 1 - downward.
- Remove upholstery clips - 2 -.
- Swing integrated child seat - 1 - back up.
- Open zip fastener - 3 - all around.
- Remove the four pop rivets - arrows - and remove the child seat - 1 - from the seat frame.
- Remove all of the upholstery clips - 4 - all around.
- Loosen the molding seal - 2 - from the mounts in the trim - 1 -.
- Loosen the two molding seals - 3 - from the mounts in the child seat adjusting unit.
- Fold the cover - 2 - up at the outer edges.
- Remove the two upholstery clips each on both sides - 4 -.
- Remove the cover - 2 - with the upholstery - 3 - from the child seat adjusting unit - 1 -.
• The cover - 2 - is bonded with the upholstery - 3 -. They cannot be separated from each other without destroying them and they must be replaced together.
- To install, perform the steps used for removal in reverse order.
• When securing the cover on the child seat adjusting unit, use the (V.A.G 1634).
• When securing the integrated child seat the seat pan or seat frame, use the (V.A.G 1753A).