Front Brake Caliper Assembly Overview, FN 3
Front Brake Caliper Assembly Overview, FN 3
• Install complete repair kit when servicing.
• Only use mineral spirits to clean brake parts.
• Apply thin coat of assembly paste G 052 150 A2 to brake cylinders, pistons and seals.
1 - Dust Cap
• Install onto bleeder valve
2 - Bleeder Valve
• 10 Nm
• Apply a thin coat of assembly paste G 052 150 A2 to the threads before screwing in.
3 - Caps
• Insert in bushing
4 - Guide Pins
• 30 Nm
5 - Bushing
• Insert in brake caliper
6 - Brake Caliper
7 - Brake Carrier
• Bolt to brake caliper
8 - Retaining Spring
• Insert with both ends in holes of brake caliper
9 - Seal
• Removing and installing, refer to => [ Piston, FN 3 Caliper ] Piston, FN 3 Caliper
10 - Pistons
• Removing and installing, refer to => [ Piston, FN 3 Caliper ] Piston, FN 3 Caliper
• Apply thin coat of assembly paste G 052 150 A2 to piston before inserting
11 - Protective Cap
• Removing and installing, refer to => [ Piston, FN 3 Caliper ] Piston, FN 3 Caliper
• Do not damage when installing piston