Brakes - Rear Brakes Squeak Below 45 Degrees F
46 08 08Dec. 8, 2008
Vehicle Information
Brake Noise Rear Axle at Temperatures below 7°C (45�F) with 16" Brakes
Squeaking noise from rear brakes at temperatures below 7°C (45°F).
The condition as described does not compromise braking.
DO NOT replace brake discs, brake pads or brake calipers for this condition.
Technical Background
Vibrations between brake pad and rotor.
Production Solution
Modified brake carriers from model year 2009.
^ Install new rear brake carriers, see Group 46 Mechanical Components, Removal and Installation of brake caliper in ElsaWeb.
For vehicles equipped with electro-mechanical parking brake, the pistons of the parking brake must be driven back using -VAS 5051- before removing rear brake calipers.
Perform basic setting of brake system using -VAS 5051- after the repair is complete.
Rear brake carriers are specific for each side. Ensure the balance weight is pointing down.
Required Parts and Tools
No Special Tools required.
Additional Information
All part and service references provided in this Technical Bulletin are subject to change and/or removal.
Always check with your Parts Dept. and Repair Manuals for the latest information.