Stationary Balancing Machine
Stationary Balancing Machine
• Test drive performed, refer to => [ Road Test, Performing before Balancing ] Road Test, Performing Before Balancing.
Tension Wheel on Balancing Machine
• Please keep in mind that cleanliness is the most important when balancing as well, just as for any other repairs you perform. Only then can a proper result be obtained!
Dirt and rust in the area of the contact surfaces and centering of the wheel distort the result.
- Clean contact surfaces, centering seat and wheel disc before tensioning wheel on balancing machine!
- Tension wheel with tire on balancing machine.
• To mount wheel on wheel balancer, use e.g. centering system for wheel balancing machines (VAS 5271).
• This way a 100% centering of the wheel and gentle mounting is possible!
• It is not possible to center it 100% on balancing machine with conical tensioners.
• With a deviation of 0.1 mm outside the center, there is an imbalance of 10 grams on the wheel/tire.
Wheel/Tire Balancing Procedure
- Let the wheel and tire rotate on the wheel balancer.
- Check the run of the characteristic lines on the sidewall of the tire in the area of the rim flange.
- Check the tire wear pattern while the wheel and tire are rotating.
• In the event of one-sided wear, flat spots from braking or severe wear spots, smooth running cannot be achieved by balancing. In this case, the tire must be replaced.
- Check the run-out of the wheel and tire. If the wheel with tire runs untrue although there are no flat spots, a radial or lateral run-out may be the cause.
- Check wheel with tire for radial- and lateral run-out. Refer to => [ Wheel and Tire Radial and Lateral Run Out, Checking with Tire Dial Gauge ] Wheel and Tire Radial and Lateral Run Out, Checking With Tire Dial Gauge.
- If the radial and lateral run-out are within the specified tolerance, balance the wheel and tire.
• Do not use more than 60 grams of weight per wheel.
• If more weight is necessary, a smoother running can achieved by matched mounting of the tire. Refer to => [ Matched Mounting ] Matched Mounting.
• The display in the balancing machine should show 0 grams.
• Vibration control tire balancer (VAS 6230) can be inserted as an alternative to matching. Refer to => [ Vibration Control Tire Balancer ] Vibration Control Tire Balancer.
- Bolt the wheel to the vehicle.
- First, tighten the lowest wheel bolt by hand to approximately 30 Nm.
- Now tighten the remaining wheel bolts diagonally also to about 30 Nm. This process centers the wheel on the wheel hub.
- Put the vehicle on its wheels.
- Now use a torque wrench to tighten the wheel bolts diagonally to the specified tightening specification.
Road Test, Performing
- Perform a road test after balancing wheel/tire.
If a vibration is still detected during the road test, the cause may be due to tolerance in the wheel centering.
The component tolerances of wheels and wheel hubs can be additive in unfavorable cases. Vibration can result from this. This can be eliminated using a finish balancer. Refer to => [ Finish Balancer ] Finish Balancer.