Fuel System - MIL ON/Multiple DTC's Stored In ECM
01 12 20
June 29, 2012
2027458 Supersedes T.B. V011207 dated March 19, 2012 to update warranty claiming service number information.
Vehicle Information
MIL ON DTCs P310B, P129F, P008B, P129E, P008A, P2540 or P0087 Stored in ECM Fault Memory
MIL ON and one or more of the following DTCs are stored in the ECM data memory:
Technical Background
Due to fuel intrusion into the low-pressure system fuel pressure sensor (G410), a false signal may be sent to the controller, resulting in a reading that is out of tolerance.
Comparing Measure Value Block 103 with 106 is not an accurate method to diagnose low-side fuel pressure sensor G410.
In order to diagnose G410 accurately, use a mechanical gauge and compare results with the low-side fuel pressure Actual Value in Measured Value Block 103.
Production Solution
Improvements to G410 fuel pressure sensor.
1. Verify the customer did not run out of fuel at the time the DTCs were stored.
2. Inspect that latest fuel pressure sender P/N 06E 906 051 K (Figure 2) is installed, if not replace the old style component with the new style component and run Basic Settings 103 to adapt system.
P310B and/or P129E/P008A may be accompanied by P1250. If so, it is likely the faults occurred due to a low fuel level and not a malfunction of the -G410- Pressure Sensor.
3. Follow diagnostic program of GFF for applicable DTCs.
4. To check the low-side fuel pressure sensor -G410-, measure the fuel pressure with a mechanical gauge using the following method:
4a. Start engine and allow it to idle for at least one minute.
4b. Stop the engine.
4c. Keep the ignition switch ON.
4d. Measure actual low-side fuel pressure via mechanical gauge (VAG 1318) on the low pressure supply line in the engine compartment (Figure 1).
5. Add 1 bar (14.5 psi.) to the value obtained from the mechanical gauge to calculate the adjusted gauge measurement value.
6. Compare the adjusted gauge measurement value to the Actual Value stored in MVB 103 field 1.
7. If the MVB 103 field 1 value deviates more than +/- 1.0 bar (+/- 14.5 psi.) from the adjusted gauge measurement value, then the DTC was likely triggered by a faulty -G410- low-side fuel pressure sensor. In this case, document the adjusted gauge measurement value and MVB value on the Repair Order and perform the Sensor replacement procedure below.
Sensor Replacement Procedure
1. Replace the -G410- low-side fuel pressure sensor with P/N 06E 906 051 K.
2. Clear DTCs and verify that the problem was eliminated.
3. Run Basic Settings 103 to adapt system.
4. DO NOT replace the high pressure fuel pump, electrical fuel pump, fuel pump control module or fuel filter unless problem persists and further diagnosis indicates a malfunction of any of these components.
If claiming under the Limited Warranty Extension use Claim Type: 110 only.
Required Parts and Tools
Additional Information
All part and service references provided in this Technical Bulletin are subject to change and/or removal.
Always check with your Parts Dept. and Repair Manuals for the latest information.