Lubrication - Fastener Tightening Specifications
Fastener Tightening Specifications
• 1 Always replace
• 2 Note the different length of bolts, refer to => [ Balance Shaft Drive
Bolt Allocation ] Oil Pump With Balance Shaft Drive.
• 3 For bolt tightening clarification, refer to => [ Oil Pump with Balance Shaft Drive Overview ] Lubrication System Overview and see - items 6 and 8 -.
Oil Pan Bolt Tightening Sequence and Specification
- Tighten the oil pan bolt as follows:
• Tighten the oil pan to cylinder block bolts - 1 through 14 - very lightly in a diagonal sequence.
• Tighten the oil pan to transmission bolts - arrows - lightly.
• Tighten the oil pan to cylinder block bolts - 1 through 14 - again, lightly in a diagonal sequence.
• Tighten the oil pan to transmission bolts - arrows - to 40 Nm.
• Tighten the oil pan to cylinder block bolts - 1 through 14 - in a diagonal sequence to 15 Nm.