Tires, Checking Condition, Wear Pattern, Pressure and Tread Depth
03 - Service Procedures
Tires, Checking Condition, Wear Pattern, Pressure and Tread Depth
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required
• Tire filling unit (VAS 5216)
Tires, Checking Condition
Tires, Checking Wear Pattern
Tire Tread Depth, Including Spare Wheel, Checking
• For safety reasons, all tires on the vehicle should be of the same make and tread design.
• For vehicles with all-wheel drive, the tires on the vehicle must be of the same make and tread design. Otherwise the center differential may be damaged.
• The tire pressure table applies only to standard tires in all factory installed tire sizes.
• Note that the inflation specifications refer to the air pressure of cold tires. Do not reduce tire pressure when the tires are warm.
• Tires pressures for the relevant model are on a label attached to the inside of fuel tank flap, or on driver's side B-pillar.
• Adjust tire pressure accordingly.
• Spare tire receives highest tire pressure
• Note that a basic setting should be performed after every change in pressure in vehicles with tire pressure control indicator. Refer to => [ Tire Pressure Display, Performing Basic Setting ].
Winter tires
• Important information on the recommended winter tires can be found in Wheels and tire guide.
• On winter tires, the tire pressure must no longer be increased.
Tires, Checking Condition
If damage is discovered, the tire must be examined to determine whether a new one must be installed.
Checks during the delivery inspection:
- Check tire tread and side walls for damage, if necessary remove any foreign objects, such as nails or screws.
Checks during inspection service
- Check tire tread and side walls for damage, if necessary remove any foreign objects, such as nails or screws.
- Check tire treads for cupping, feathering, one-sided tread wear, porous side walls, cracks, cuts, and rim damage.
Tires, Checking Wear Pattern
The wear pattern of the front wheels can be used to assess whether a check of the track and camber is necessary:
• Feathered edges of the treads may indicate faulty toe adjustment.
• One-sided tread wear is mostly caused by faulty camber.
If such wear patterns are found, determine the causes by checking the wheel alignment.
Tire Tread Depth, Including Spare Wheel, Checking
- Check tread depth
Minimum tread depth: 1.6 mm
• This value may vary for individual countries due to different legislative regulations.
• The minimum tread depth is reached when the tires have worn down level with the 1.6 mm high tread wear indicators - arrows - positioned at intervals around the tire.
• If the tread wear is close to the wear limits, inform customer and note findings on the repair order.
Passat Sedan
Passat Wagon