Diagram 20/5 (Tracks 43-56)
This manufacturer uses "Track" style wiring diagrams.
For information on how to use these diagrams effectively, please refer to Diagram Information and Instructions. Diagram Information and Instructions
Transmission Control Module (TCM), Tiptronic Switch, Shift Lock Solenoid, Transmission Range (TR) Display
ws = white
sw = black
ro = red
br = brown
gn = green
bl = blue
gr = grey
li = lilac
ge = yellow
or = orange
rs = pink
F189 - Tiptronic Switch Locations
F319 - Selector Lever Park Position Lock Switch Locations
J217 - Transmission Control Module (TCM) Control Modules in Engine Compartment
J519 - Vehicle Electrical System Control Module Control Modules in Interior
J527 - Steering Column Electronic Systems Control Module Control Modules in Interior
L101 - Selector Lever Scale Illumination
N110 - Shift Lock Solenoid Locations
SD6 - Fuse 6 (on fuse panel D)
SD16 - Fuse 16 (on fuse panel D)
T10g - 10-Pin Connector, connector station transmission prewiring
T10o - 10-Pin Connector, on transmission
T10x - 10-Pin Connector, near selector lever
T12i - 12-Pin Connector
T20d - 20-Pin Connector
T52 - 52-Pin Connector
Y6 - Transmission Range (TR) Display
(396) - Ground Connection 31 (in main wiring harness)
(687) - Ground Connection 1 (on center tunnel) Overview of Ground Connections in Interior
(B340) - Connection 1 (58d) (in main wiring harness)
(B341) - Connection 2 (58d) (in main wiring harness)
* - Through May 2005
** - From May 2005
Previous Diagram 20/4 (Tracks 29-42)