Windshield Washer System Assembly Overview
Windshield Washer System Assembly Overview
NOTE: The washer fluid tank is installed as a one- or two-part version, depending on equipment. The following illustration depicts the two-part sedan version of the windshield washer/headlamp cleaning system.
1 - Front windshield washer system washer nozzles
2 - Angle coupling
- Connection to front windshield washer nozzle
- Washer hose couplings, overview
3 - Y-piece
- Washer fluid line junction to front windshield washer nozzles
4 - Upper section of tank for windshield washer system and headlamp cleaning system
- One-part windshield washer system tank, removing and installing
5 - Lower section of tank for windshield washer system and headlamp cleaning system
6 - Windshield Washer Pump V5
- Windshield and Rear Window Washer Pump V59 for wagon
7 - Angle coupling
- Connection on Windshield Washer Pump V5
- Washer hose couplings, overview
8 - Windshield Washer Fluid Level Sensor G33
9 - Hose
- Hose repair