Brakes - Pulsation Upon Highway Speed Application
46 07 03July 6, 2007
Vehicle Information
Supersedes T.B. Group 46 number 0701 dated June 11, 2007 due to updated
warranty table information.
Brake Disc, Pulsation
When applying brakes at highway speeds the following symptoms may occur:
Brake pedal may pulsate
Vibration may be felt in vehicle body
Steering wheel may shakey
Technical Background
For brake vibration / pulsation concerns, brake disc machining is now allowed between 6 months / 6000 miles and 12 months / 12,000 miles of the warranty in service date.
Vehicles between 0 and 6 months / 6000 miles in service are not eligible for brake disc machining. For braking vibration complaints on these vehicles, see Technical Bulletin subject matter Customer States "Vibration When Braking", instance number 2010245.
Production Solution
No production change required.
BEFORE machining brake discs, the technician must record the beginning thickness measurement on the back of the repair order followed by the ending thickness measurement upon completion of machining process. All
policies and procedures outlined in this technical bulletin also apply to sublet brake disc machining.
Improperly machined brake discs may cause brake pulsation after several months in service.
The servicing facility will be responsible for failures described above.
^ Remove wheels and separate brake calipers from carrier as outlined in Repair Manual Group 44 Wheels, Tires, Vehicle Alignment and Group 46 Brakes Mechanical components in ElsaWeb.
Brake Disc Inspection
A detailed brake disc inspection is needed to determine if the brake disc should be machined or replaced.
^ Inspect brake disc friction surfaces on both sides of the brake disc for:
Severe discoloration (blueing)
High heat surface damage (raised hard spots)
Visible cracks
Brake discs showing any of the above described conditions MUST be replaced.
Disc Thickness Measuring
Each brake disc has the minimum allowed thickness cast, stamped or laser-etched into the disc hub.
^ Measure the brake disc thickness in 4 locations using either the Pro Cut International(TM) disc thickness measuring tool Part No. 50-902 or the
Hunter Engineering Company disc thickness measuring tool Part No. 25-99-2. Measurements MUST be taken the same distance from the brake disc outer circumference to ensure consistency.
The brake disc must exceed the minimum thickness after the machining
process is completed in order to be reused.
Brake Disc Machining
Brake discs must be machined in pairs (front axle and / or rear axle).
Recommended on-car brake lathes are either the PRO-CUT International PFM 9.0. or the Hunter Engineering Company model OCL 400. This design of brake lathe will produce a surface quality which will provide proper brake performance without a brake pad to brake disc break-in period.
To ensure that a high quality brake disc finish is produced, brake lathe cutting tools must be maintained as directed by the lathe manufacturer.
^ Follow the brake lathe manufacturer's instructions for set-up and
^ Wash the brake disc with a soap and water solution upon completion of
resurfacing to remove all machining particles.
^ Re-measure brake disc thickness in 4 locations using either the Pro Cut disc thickness measuring tool Part No. 50-902 or the Hunter disc
thickness measuring tool Part No. 25-99-2, to verify that minimum
thickness is still exceeded. If recorded brake disc measurement is less
than the minimum thickness, the brake disc MUST be replaced.
Always replace brake discs in pairs (front axle and/or back axle).
^ Measure brake disc lateral run out using Pro Cut Disc Lateral run out
measuring kit Part No. 50-700FC or the Hunter Disc Lateral run out
measuring kit Part No. 25-128-2 with a dial indicator.
^ Run out must be below .05mm.
Required Parts and Tools
No Special Parts required.
Additional Information
All part and service references provided in this Technical Bulletin are subject to change and/or removal.
Always check with your Parts Dept. and Repair Manuals for the latest information.