Restraints and Safety Systems: Service Precautions
Airbag, Belt Tensioner and Battery Cut-Out Units, General Safety Precautions
• Pyrotechnic components always contain chemicals, which turn into an expanding gas when detonated. There is also additional stored gas available for discharge.
• This gas is contained under high pressure and is stored in a pressurized gas container.
• An electric/mechanical igniter ignites the pyrotechnic components.
• Testing, removing, installing and repair work may only be performed by qualified personnel.
• There is no change interval for airbag units.
• Never test with a test light, volt meter or ohm meter.
• The pyrotechnic components may be check only when they are installed and with a Volkswagen approved vehicle diagnosis, testing and information system.
• When working on pyrotechnic components and on the Airbag control module, the battery ground cable must be disconnected when the ignition is switched on. Then cover the negative terminal.
• Wait for 10 seconds after disconnecting the battery.
• The ignition must be SWITCHED ON when connecting the battery. Nobody should be inside the vehicle with doing this. Exception: Vehicles with a battery inside the passenger compartment. Stay away from the airbags and the safety belts.
• Wash hands after touching ignited restraint system pyrotechnic components.
• Pyrotechnic components may not be opened nor repaired; always use new parts (risk of injury).
• Pyrotechnic components that have fallen onto a hard surface or show signs of damage must not be installed in vehicle.
• Before handling pyrotechnic components of the restraint system, for example, before disconnecting the electrical harness connector, the relevant person must discharge static electricity. Touching grounded metal parts, for example, touching the door striker, will discharge the static electricity.
• Pyrotechnic components should be installed immediately upon removal from shipping package.
• If the work must be stopped for awhile, put the pyrotechnic component back into its shipping package.
• Do not leave the pyrotechnic component out unattended.
• Do not use any grease or cleaning solutions on pyrotechnic components.
• Pyrotechnic components must not be exposed to temperatures over 100 °C, even for a short time.