A/C Refrigerant System, Evacuating and Recharging
A/C Refrigerant System, Evacuating and Recharging
• Always use an Underwriter's Laboratory (UL) approved refrigerant recovery/ recycling/recharging unit such as Kent-Moore ACR4, or equivalent, when evacuating and recharging an R-134a A/C system.
• Any person who services a motor vehicle air conditioner MUST, by law, be properly trained and certified and use approved refrigerant recycling equipment. Technicians must complete an EPA approved recycling course to be certified.
• State and local governments may have additional requirements regarding air conditioning servicing. Always comply with state and local laws.
• Always wear safety goggles when discharging, evacuating and recharging an A/C system.
Always follow manufacturer's instructions when using a refrigerant recovery/recycling/recharging unit.
• Refer to R-134a safety measures prior to discharging or charging A/C refrigerant system => [ Safety Precautions ] Service Precautions.
• Follow refrigerant recovery/recycling/recharging unit manufacturer's instructions for evacuating and recharging A/C system.
• Evacuate refrigerant system for a minimum of 30 minutes.
• When recharging A/C system, add correct amount of refrigerant and PAG oil to system => [ A/C Refrigerant System Capacities ] [1][2]Capacity Specifications.
• After system recharge, manually rotate A/C compressor approximately 10 turns before starting engine. Start engine with A/C OFF. After idle speed has stabilized, switch A/C ON and let engine idle (compressor running) for a minimum of two minutes before raising engine speed.