Initial Inspection and Diagnostic Overview
Diagnosis and Testing
=> [ Pressure Relief Valve, Checking ] Pressure Relief Valve, Checking
=> [ A/C Pressure Switch, Checking ] A/C Pressure Switch, Checking
=> [ High Pressure Sensor, Function ] High Pressure Sensor, Function
=> [ High Pressure Sensor, Multi-Pin Connector Assignments ] High Pressure Sensor, Multi-Pin Connector Assignments
=> [ High Pressure Sensor, Electrical Testing ] High Pressure Sensor, Electrical Testing
=> [ A/C Refrigerant System Pressures and Temperatures, Checking ] A/C Refrigerant System Pressures and Temperatures, Checking
=> [ A/C Refrigerant System, Testing with Pressure Gauges ] A/C Refrigerant System, Testing With Pressure Gauges
=> [ A/C Refrigerant System Troubleshooting ] A/C Refrigerant System Troubleshooting
=> [ Evaporator Water Drain Valve from 06.00, Checking ] Testing and Inspection