Midtronics Battery Charger (INC 940)
Midtronics Battery Charger (INC 940)
Risk of injury. Follow all Warnings and Safety Precautions. Refer to => [ Battery Safety Precautions ] Battery Safety Precautions.
Keep open flame or sparks away from the batteries and do not smoke.
The battery charger must be switched off whenever connecting or disconnect the cable.
Do not remove the plugs while charging.
Overcharging sulfated batteries can cause an explosion.
Precision tools may not be kept in areas where batteries are charged. Chemical reactions can lead to corrosion.
Batteries that have a light yellow visual indicator do not have to be tested or charged. Jump starting must not be used!
There is a risk of explosion during testing, charging or jump starting.
These batteries must be replaced.
Only Volkswagen approved battery chargers may be used to charge batteries in Volkswagen vehicles. The (INC 940) battery charger is used in the USA and Canada.
The (INC 940) battery charger combines battery charging with checking the state of charge and testing the battery.
The following charging and analysis procedures applied to all batteries, all battery installed locations (engine compartment or luggage compartment) and all battery use purposes (for the starter or for the second/comfort battery).
Always follow the Safety Precautions, the instructions for setting up the battery charger, the display menu/display buttons, LEDs and the procedures in the INC 940 Operating Instructions.
Carefully read the INC 940 Operating Instructions.