Undamaged Rear Window, Removing
Undamaged Rear Window, Removing
• If windshield is to be used again, make sure that electrical connections for windshield heating are not damaged.
Remove the rear lid trim panel and the window frame trim panel.
- Disconnect the right and left connectors for the heated rear window and tape them to the window glass.
- Depending on the vehicle equipment level, disconnect the antenna connections and tape them to the window glass
- Thrust (V.A.G 1474/2) - 1 - through adhesive bead.
- Pull the cutting wire - 2 - inside through adhesive using (V.A.G 1474/2) - 1 -.
- Secure end of cutting cord - 3 - with handle - 1 - (V.A.G 1351/1) before pulling out.
- Lay cutting cord - 3 - around the window and also guide inside the second cord end.
- Secure end of cutting cord to (V.A.G 1654 A) - 2 -.
- Mount the (V.A.G 1654 A) - 2 - as illustrated.
- Relocate (V.A.G 1654 A) - 2 - appropriately and cut window free.
- While cutting free, press cutting cord - 3 - against window using (V.A.G 1474/5) to have clearance to window flange.