Brake Bleeding: Service and Repair
Brake System, Bleeding
Description covers bleeding of the brake system using the brake charger/bleeder unit (VAS 5234).
Only use new brake fluid conforming to VW standard (VW 501 14).
• Brake fluid is poisonous. Due to its caustic nature, it must also never be brought into contact with paint.
• Brake fluid is hygroscopic, meaning that it absorbs moisture from the surrounding air, and must therefore be stored in air tight containers.
• Wash off any spilled brake fluid with plenty of water.
There must be a positive pressure of 2 bar to bleed the hydraulic unit.
Using the Brake Charger/Bleeder Unit (VAS 5234)
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required
• Brake Charger/Bleeder Unit (VAS 5234)
• Tool Set for Brake Bleeding (VAS 6564)
Only use new brake fluid conforming to VW standard (VW 501 14).
Adhere strictly to this procedure when bleeding the brake system.
- Connect the brake charger/bleeder unit (VAS 5234).
- Open the bleed valves in the following sequence and bleed the brake calipers:
1- Left front brake caliper
2 - Right front brake caliper
3 - Left rear brake caliper
4 - Right rear brake caliper
Use a suitable hose for bleeding. It must fit tightly on the bleed valve so that no air gets into the brake system.
- With the bleeder bottle hose attached, leave the bleed valve open long enough that brake fluid exits without bubbles.
Perform a post-bleeding when:
• The brake pedal travel is too long, or you have a so-called "soft brake pedal"
• One chamber in the brake fluid reservoir is completely empty on a vehicle with Electronic Differential Lock (EDL), EDL/Anti-Slip Regulation (ASR) or EDL/ASR/Electronic Stabilization Program (ESP) This will happen if there are leaks in the brake system.
A second technician is required during the post-bleeding:
- Press the brake pedal forcefully and hold.
- Open the bleed valve on the brake caliper.
- Press the brake pedal down to the stop.
- Close the bleed valve when the brake pedal is pushed down all the way.
- Release the brake pedal slowly.
This bleeding procedure must be performed 5 times per brake caliper.
Bleeding sequence:
1- Left front brake caliper
2 - Right front brake caliper
3 - Left rear brake caliper
4 - Right rear brake caliper
A road test must be performed after bleeding. During this test, at least one Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) stop must be performed!