Diagram 149/38 (Tracks 505-518)
This manufacturer uses "Track" style wiring diagrams.
For information on how to use these diagrams effectively, please refer to Diagram Information and Instructions. Diagram Information and Instructions
Connection 1 (in A/C unit wiring harness), Connection 2 (in A/C unit wiring harness)
ws = white
sw = black
ro = red
br = brown
gn = green
bl = blue
gr = grey
li = lilac
ge = yellow
or = orange
rs = pink
F25 - Fuel enrichment throttle valve switch
F220 - Driver central locking lock unit Central Locking / Anti-Theft System Overview
J301 - A/C control module Pass Compartment A/C and Heating System A/C Control Module -J301-
J519 - Vehicle electrical system control module Locations
N24 - Fresh air blower series resistor with fuse Pass Compartment A/C and Heating System Diagrams
T2i - Double connector
T4r - 4-pin connector
T5 - 5-pin connector
T10v - 10-pin connector
V2 - Fresh air blower Pass Compartment A/C and Heating System Diagrams
(L5) - Connection 1 (in A/C unit wiring harness)
(L6) - Connection 2 (in A/C unit wiring harness)
Previous Diagram 149/37 (Tracks 491-504)
Next Diagram 149/39 (Tracks 519-532)