Compass and Mini-Trip Computer, Compass Temperature Function
Compass and Mini-Trip Computer, Compass Temperature Function
Do not place any external magnets, such as magnetic roof mount antennas, in the vicinity of the Remote Compass Module. Do not place any electronic devices (cell phones, laptop computers, PDAs, portable DVD players, etc), on or near the instrument panel as the RCM performance may be effected. Do not use magnetic tools when servicing the RCM.
The compass and temperature data is obtained from several components on the controller area network and local interface network data bus circuits. The compass temperature display will not function properly if the bus messages from any of these components is not received. If no compass temperature display data is present or the display is inaccurate, test the CAN and LIN data bus circuit communications, the instrument cluster functions, the remote compass module and the totally integrated power module. Should the RCM become disconnected or the signal from the RCM is lost, the instrument cluster will display dashes "- -".
The use of a scan tool and the proper diagnostic procedures information are recommended for further testing of the instrument cluster, the RCM, the CAN data bus and the LIN data bus circuits. Refer to for the appropriate wiring information for complete circuit schematic or connector pin out information.