A/T - DTC 00266 or P0798 Stored In 09G TCM
01 12 34December 4, 2012
2029268 *Supersedes T.B. V011212 dated April 20, 2012 to include an additional DTC.*
Vehicle Information
Update Programming, Fault Code 00266 or P0798 Stored in Transmission Control Module
This software update is for the 09G (AQ250) transmission control module only.
One or more of the fault codes may be stored in the ECM Fault Memory:
Technical Background
Software issue during supplier change for Transmission Control Module, causing fault code.
Production Solution
Improved software to eliminate fault code.
Update-Programming Procedure:
To Update-Programming using SVM, review and follow instructions in Technical Bulletin Instance 2014603 "Software Version Management".
The SVM Process must be completed in its entirety so the database receives the update confirmation response. A warranty claim may not be reimbursed if there is no confirmation response to support the claim.
Prior to launching VAS-PC application and starting control module update process, confirm tester screen saver and power settings in accordance with Special Tools and Equipment - Service Information Circular # VSE-08-18. Failure to do so may result in the tester entering power save mode during data transfer, and subsequent control module failure.
When using a VAS 6150/5051B or VAS 5052A tester in conjunction with a VAS 5054A wireless transmitter head for a flash procedure, please connect a USB cable between the transmitter head and the tester. Failure to do so
may lead to errors during the flash procedure.
^ Update the Transmission Control Module using the SVM Unit code as listed in the table shown.
The procedure can be found in GFF under Functions/ Component Selection, Software Version Management, Adapting Software.
The SVM Process must be completed in its entirety so the database receives the update confirmation response. A warranty claim may not be reimbursed if there is no confirmation response to support the claim or action is carried out that is not explicitly stated in the Technical Bulletin.
Ensure ECM/TCM Tuning Form has been completed and signed by customer as required in SVM Technical Bulletin Instance 2014603.
Required Parts and Tools
No Special Parts required.
Additional Information
All part and service references provided in this Technical Bulletin are subject to change and/or removal.
Always check with your Parts Dept. and Repair Manuals for the latest information.